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I felt a sudden chill. I realized he was furious, but couldn't understand why. I knew he was always this cold, but why did he seem so displeased with me?

I started feeling annoyed at him again, and thankfully the car finally arrived.

The thought that I wouldn't be this close to Theo anymore and wouldn't feel his icy gaze was such a relief to me. I wasn't sure, but I think I prefer the heated argument than the icy chill of his silence.

Especially if I didn't know what was wrong, or what he was thinking. His silence was more unnerving than his angry words.

The driver got out of the car and opened the back seat door. Theo then gently put me down and closed the door without looking at me.

He was talking to the driver, maybe telling him some instructions or something like that. It's hard to tell, I couldn't hear them. The only thing I could do was wait and see what happened.

Well, Theo must be really pissed off that he didn't want to share the ride with me. It left me feeling both puzzled and anxious, wondering how I upset him so much.

Then again, maybe it was for a different reason?

Was he still thinking about the Don's punishment? I knew it was hard for him to accept these consequences, especially if he wasn't at fault. But, I didn't expect him to act so coldly towards me because of that.

All of this could have been prevented if I had just listened and followed his rules.

But then, this didn't sit right for me. Why should I take responsibility for this entirely?

If only he had been a good husband to begin with, I wouldn't have escaped and treated myself to a good night out with my best friend.

Honestly, even though it was my fault, we should share the blame.

But still, guilt weighs heavy on my chest. I can't seem to shake it off, no matter how hard I think of this as a shared responsibility.

It's just so annoying that I didn't fulfill my mission of clearing Theo's name to the Don. I planned to talk to him and tell him I was at fault too. This was to get rid of this guilt, and to somehow help Theo's standing or reputation at the Don.

But no, none of those plans happened. I had come at the wrong time. The Don was already talking to Theo, and to make things worse, it was a topic I doubt anyone would be happy to hear.

I had to run away from that, too annoyed and angry to hear the rest of it.

And then, as if luck had abandoned me, this happened. I stumbled down the stairs and injured myself.

Well, maybe luck didn't leave me completely. I was still saved from a more serious injury.

That's all thanks to Lukas!


At least he cared, unlike my husband.

I looked out and saw Theo still outside. Despite not seeing his face, it was clear from his body language that he was annoyed. I saw him walk away from the car in a quick stride, and I felt a sudden sense of sadness as I watched him leave.


I looked away and gritted my teeth in annoyance.

Although I had already thought of the possibility that he wouldn't be coming home with me, seeing it happen still left a sting in my heart. At the back of my mind, I was hopeful, but was left feeling disappointed as always.

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