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Looking up for a moment, Reed lifted his eyebrows to show he'd seen Hank. "Mornin'. What's up?"

The lieutenant stood solidly near the detective's chair. Close enough to cause a little concern, especially with his arms crossed. He did NOT look pleased. "In a rush this morning?"

Pausing completely, the shorter male pressed his mouth thin. "No. Everything's good. Not much traffic, which wa--"

"Where's your partner?" The thin veil of his casual tone dropped like a bag of hammers.

Now Gavin lifted his head, relaxing in his seat and shrugging. "Hank, I don't have a partner. Not yet, I mean. Still waiting for one, you know how it is."

The smarmy grin on Reed's face got under the lieutenant's skin, and he had to physically force himself not to throttle the little shit. He let out a sharp, short whistle before Connor suddenly appeared beside him. "Connor, go and get this moron's partner, please."

Go and get you? The RK800 was entirely in the dark for a little while, but one look at Reed's shit-eating grin said enough. "Yes, Hank," he replied, turning and running out of the precinct once he had a set of patrol car keys on hand.

Gavin shook his head, lacing his fingers together behind his neck and looking even more relaxed. "Not sure how he's gonna get inside, Hank. There's nothing to find. I have no partner."

"You really don't want your job, do you?" Despite the beard, Hank's upper lip was visibly curled back. "Quit abusing the poor girl, Reed, or you're gonna find yourself losing more than just your fuckin' job."

On his feet in a flash, the detective got in the lieutenant's face. "Is that a threat...?"

"Do you even know who paid for your partner? Or have you not put two and two together? Cause you're acting like you flunked preschool, Reed."

The smirk dropped a notch or two, but your directive didn't back down. "Your Dyson vacuum went to CyberHell and got all up in their business to design some plastic cunt. I know, Hank, I got the idea. All because you fucking idiots with your bleeding hearts feel like everyone needs to "help" these goddamn appliances." Sitting down once more, Reed crossed his arms. "I learned the cost, Hank. Hope you kept the receipt."

"DPD didn't pay for her, you jackass. You think Fowler would give the green light on spending almost half a million on your sorry ass?" Chuckling, the older male shifted his weight. "No no no. Connor went to help design someone specifically for you, then he sent the bill to be paid by someone else." That definitely dropped the grin from Reed's face. "Get it now? If it were up to me I wouldn't waste a fuckin' cent if I knew how bad you'd treat that girl. But apparently your family seems to think you have something that looks like a heart."

"God fucking damn it..." Gavin muttered, now unable to look the lieutenant in the face.

"So I'm gonna ask again: where's your partner?"


There was no use in having the sirens on if he was only going to be picking you up. But why were you left behind in the first place? Parking in Gavin's driveway, the RK800 did a preliminary scan of the house, frowning when you were located almost immediately. Connor knelt down and attempted to lift the garage door, but it was locked in place. [...... Nove?]

[Why are you here?]

[I've come to bring you to the precinct.]

There would be aggravation if you could feel it. [I am here under order, Connor. You've come for nothing, I'm afraid.]

Useless (Gavin Reed x [Android] Reader)Where stories live. Discover now