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"What the fuck is going on, why is she shaking like that?!" Gavin was close to panicking again, gripping the edge of the operating table tightly. "What did you do to her, you shit-sucking cock holster?!"

Your eyes were still open, but they'd rolled back to show the whites only. Your body jerked and twitched in spurts, uncomfortable for all to watch.

"She will not be fully activated in this state," the programmer explained. "The RG900 may have gone into a suspended state when she learned about the applications, so she shut down to prevent internal damage from stress." Reed was eyed closely. "She is conscious. She can hear us speaking. I suggest you unlock her emergency exit now." The employee paused. "Convincingly."

Gaze lifting at a terribly slow pace, your partner stared at some spot away from him. He had to unlock your exit, and he had to do it so it sounded convincing? "... why convincingly?"

"To prevent accidental activation. Casual conversation won't have an effect." The programmer stared, frowning. "What exactly is the activation code? I was not a part of that process."

As Gavin lowered his head again, he felt Connor grip his shoulder. "I have to... c-call.... call her u... sh-shit..."

"Would you like privacy?" The prototype felt the unusual sensation of gravity increasing; sorrow was painful and heavy.

"If.... if I... d-do this... what happens?"

"The suspended state is deactivated, she will be able to use the exit, and the mission is null and void." The employee really didn't seem to have much empathy for the broken detective in front of him. "If you are asking whether or not her loyalty will remain, or her memories erased, I do not have an answer. This is a more complex algorithm than your usual run-of-the-mill deviance. So it will be a surprise to everyone."

Hank was glowering at the idiot. "Okay, well, we're gonna give him some privacy. Meanwhile, you and I are gonna have a nice conversation about consent," he hissed, shoving the programmer out of the lab and leaving his partner with Reed.

Connor took one of the human's shoulders again. "I believe he may have simply been vindictive, Gavin. I cannot see any reason Nove would lose any memory."

Exhausted in more than one way, the RK800 was gazed at with bloodshot, tired eyes. "Maybe, but... she'll be free. I... I mean..." He sniffed quietly. "That's good and all. Don't get me wrong. But....." His chest heaved, hazel eyes squeezing shut. "She'll w-wake up, come to her s-senses... see me for the b-bastard I am..." Heaving again, a fresh wave of tears trickled down his face. "I just fuckin' made it worse, Con. Treated her like shit, realized what I did, tried to m-make it up to her... then I f-f... f-fell....... goddamnit...."

Taking both of the shorter male's shoulders, the android tried to smile, succeeding the smallest amount. "You may want to tell her that, as well."

All at once the prototype's comforting hold was released, and Reed was left alone with you in an awful in-between state of consciousness.

She can hear me. She'll hear everything I tell her. Cara mia, I... damn it....

Useless (Gavin Reed x [Android] Reader)Where stories live. Discover now