20. Hidden Among Us

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"Well, Kyo? What did you see?" Travis demanded.

"I'll show you."

He held out a hand and a shimmering bubble appeared. Images began to flash on it like a movie screen, and I watched as Samuel Castle carved the summoning circle into the rock.

"No surprise there," I muttered.

In his call to update us last night, Kerry said they'd found out Susma Tamang was married to Samuel Castle and they had a daughter, Anne, who was Spin's Monkey. He'd also shared that Susma was an expert on using circles as portals.

"Can you see who damaged this part when we were here?" Travis pointed to the crushed area.

The movie screen jumped, like Kyo was fast-forwarding an old VCR tape, and then... nothing. White fog.

Travis whistled.

"Wow." Kyo's eyebrows shot up. "To blur history like this takes some power."

"How much power are we talking about?" Travis asked.

"Anyone rated higher than me. Seven or better."

"And none of us felt it or saw it." I shivered. "That's even scarier. Was someone else there with us and we didn't know it? Is there a way to cloak yourself?"

"When you're talking about Divine and Diabolical power, anything is possible." Travis shrugged.

"John, you would have sensed the deception or shield, though, right?" I glanced over at him.

He was staring up at the trees I'd surrounded us with and seemed to be ignoring the conversation, although I knew him too well to believe that. The old expression that still waters ran deep described him perfectly.

"John never sensed my enthrallment," Travis said. "Or Aspen Abernathy's."

"A harpy of Hell was involved with those necklaces," I pointed out, "and John did sense yours after Kerry smelled something and brought his attention to it. I can't believe that someone was here and none of us sensed anything. I mean, Kerry's nose alone is like a bloodhound's when it comes to Diabolical smells."

"More likely, there was a self-destruct built into the circle itself," Kyo said, "or a hidden trigger you tripped."

Whew. That made me feel a lot better. To think someone had hidden among us, invisible and silent, creeped me out.

"Time's up. Hank said no longer than fifteen minutes." John grabbed Kyo's shoulder, and the two of them blinked out.

"Well, this was a waste," I sighed.

"No, we learned that this part of the circle was deliberately destroyed," Travis disagreed. "Someone wants that part hidden and went to great lengths to do so."

"Do you have any suspicions about what it might have said? You know, using the context of circles in general, what should be inscribed there?"

John 'ported back and reached for Travis.

"Give me a second." Travis held up a hand. "This isn't your typical summoning circle. It's a hodge-podge of Angelic and Infernal and, while I can read the Angelic, the Infernal is nearly impossible to translate. There aren't many people who read it at the Sanctuary, and the library isn't exactly overflowing with books on the subject. I'd have to go to the international library—"

"Kerry can read it," John interrupted. "Send him a picture of what you need translated."

"Can't read or write English, but he's fluent in Infernal," Travis sneered.

Not for the first time, I wanted to smack him. It had been clear for days that he blamed Kerry for Maddy's death, but Maddy would have been the first to tell him she had made the choice to go on the mission. I understood Travis was grieving her loss - we all were - but I was afraid he was going to do something dumb to get back at Kerry.

And while Kerry was strong enough to deal with whatever Travis threw at him, Gemma was in a precarious situation right now. One false step could spell disaster for her.

"Travis." I waited until he was looking at me. "I want Gemma back. I want her out of enemy hands before she's hurt—"

My voice dried up at the thought of someone torturing my sweet friend, and John gathered my hand in his. I was grateful for his grounding presence; it allowed me to finish what I wanted to say without crying.

"I will do everything in my power to help rescue her, and whoever is foolish enough to get in the way will find themselves buried alive under a ton of earth and rocks."

John dropped my hand and grabbed Travis' shoulder, and the two of them teleported out.

While I waited for my love to return for me, I returned the trees to their areas and thanked them. I knew they weren't sentient, but it felt right to say it. Maddy, who'd been half-Chippewa, once told me that her ancestors believed in being humble and grateful for anything nature provided. As a naturalist myself, I saw the wisdom in that.


I jumped when John spoke in my ear. Whirling, I thumped him on the chest with my fist.

"How many times have I told you not to do that?!" I squawked.

I decided his grin, as rare as snow in southern California, was worth my racing heart.

Tainted: Book Three - EnslavedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora