53. Hope

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"We don't have to go this route. We have other options," Gigi reminded me. "Travis will have a location on Christopher Remington any time now."

The five of us were huddled together in the outfield while Mingo talked with Darius at home plate. As soon as Castle's name had come out of the djinni's mouth, I'd lost control and lit up like a blue glow stick. Jax had wrangled me back here and spritzed me with calm until I could pull the power back inside.

"That's true," Hank said, "but we can't guarantee Remington will lead us to Hubler. It could make rescuing Gemma take even longer."

"Or it could cut out the middleman and take us straight to Hubler," Jax pointed out.

"We can't trust Darius or Hubler since they both have their own agendas. However, we won't know if Remington's information is good, assuming we can capture him." Gina sank her hands into her coat pockets. "We might not be able to even get him to talk."

"He'll talk alright." I traded a look with Hank and we both nodded.

No human could hold out against the torture we would put him through to get our answers.

Just the thought of what I'd do to that son of a whore made power crackle across my knuckles and snarl up my hair.

Jax spritzed me right in the face, and I glared at him.

"We'll back you whatever you decide," he told me, "but you need to make the call, so calm down and think."

I linked my hands behind my neck and looked up at the gray clouds as I thought.

I don't like either one of these options, but having options is a step in the right direction. I got a lotta resources. Just need to use everyone wisely.

After a few minutes of thinking, I nodded and dropped my arms. I felt I'd done the best I could with what I had to work with.

"Jax, call Chance or Spin and have the four of them meet us at St. Pat's as soon as possible."

"What about their mission to rescue Mrs. Hubler and her children?" Gigi asked.

"If we take care of Hubler, she'll be safe enough until we can do more."

"You're going to divide us up." Hank wasn't asking.

"It's risky," I admitted, "but there are enough of us to make two good-sized teams. I want me, Hank, Gina, Chance, Chessie, Spin, and Monkey ready to raid the lab whenever Castle shows up. Rome will lead the rest to find and capture Remington. We'll leave Mr. Snyder to babysit Lilah either at his safehouse or St. Pat's."

"What about Ray? The new guy Chance told us about?" Jax looked up from his phone to ask.

"With Rome."

The numbers weren't even, but the powers were balanced good enough to make both teams fairly solid.

"Are you sure your team should go to the lab with Castle?" Gina bit her lip. "I'm afraid you'll kill him as soon as you see him."

"It'll be tempting, but I know I need to use him first."

I'll suck him dry of everything he can give me, then I'll coat the ground in his blood.

Jax's phone dinged.

"Chance said they'll be here late tonight."


My whole plan was probably wishful thinking, but I was too motivated to care at the moment. I even smiled a little, encouraged that my luck finally seemed to be changing.

"Kerry, don't forget my friend Angelo will be here tomorrow with his wolves to deal with Bennie the witch," Hank reminded me.

"Dude, with respect, not important at this time!" Jax scowled.

"It is important," Hank argued. "She has some connection to Samuel Castle and the shadow prince, and I'm willing to bet that her fingers are in the Alchemists' pie, too."

"I agree," Gina said, "but, Kerry, if you don't want to deal with it, give Hank and me her location and we'll handle it."

"Oh, no." I gave her a grin full of teeth. "I want to deal with that witch myself. I owe her a lot of pain."

"Just don't get carried away until we get as much information as we can from her," Gigi said with a stern look. "You never know. She might give us an in we don't expect."

"I can control myself," I hissed, then had to swat away the blue cinders of power that erupted with my words.

"Obviously." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey, look at it this way, Kerry," Jax jumped in. "We are closer now to finding Gemma than we've ever been."

Nodding, I drew my power as tight around me as possible, determined not to allow so much as a spark to fly free again.

Lock it down. Lock it down tight. Save it all up until it's time, then let it loose to burn them. Burn them all to ash...

"It's only a matter of time now, Kerry," Gina said, drawing my eyes to her face with its encouraging smile. "You'll have her back in your arms soon. I just know it."

And for the first time in ages, my heart stirred with hope.

- End of Book Three -

Tainted: Book Three - EnslavedWhere stories live. Discover now