28. The Big Guns

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"Mr. Snyder?" My mouth fell open. "The Council is really considering him as the traitor?"

Tara, John and I had gathered around Hank and Gina's dining room table to hear what happened at the latest Council meeting.

"We're not privy to all the information, of course," Hank said, "but Helene Chapman feels it's more of a personal vendetta. Henry Gaines, the Council's president, is out for Nat's blood for some reason, and Helene feels he'll make sure there's enough evidence against Nat to at least get him arrested."

"You can't be serious!" Tara shook her head. "Mr. Snyder is so frail, I keep expecting him to keel over in class any day. No way he could be as active as the traitor would need to be."

Let the Council chase their tails and persecute an old man. At least it'll keep the wardens out of our way.

It took me a minute to realize the taint was whispering in my head again. It was fading, but it still kicked up from time to time and darkened my thoughts.

I knew my anger stemmed from grief. Losing my girl was going to haunt me all of my long life. But hating and blaming innocent people wasn't me - and it wasn't the guy Maddy knew. Even though she was gone, I couldn't disappoint her.

I wouldn't.

"Listen, all we need to do is prove that Mr. Snyder was here while the traitor was active somewhere else." I looked at my companions. "I think it'd also be a good idea to do some digging and find out why Mr. Gaines wants Mr. Snyder's head so badly."

"I agree." Tara said.

John nodded.

"We should start by talking to Mr. Snyder, if he will talk with us," I suggested.

"I'm sure he would, but that might present a problem." Hank traded looks with Gina.

"He left the Sanctuary?" Tara picked up on it right away.

"Makes sense," I said. "He knows there's a lockdown imminent. If the fight with Gaines isn't going to be a fair one, he won't stand a chance if he's trapped here."

For the first time since we arrived, John spoke.

"He went to keep tabs on Kerry, didn't he?"

We all looked at him. I wondered how he came to that conclusion.

"No one knows for sure," Gina murmured after a minute. "He left no paper trail, shut off his phone, and covered his tracks. Old and frail or not, he's wily and experienced. He knows how to disappear, and no one will find him if he doesn't want them to."

"But," Hank looked at Gina again, "my gut says that's where he went. Nat wasn't the only one who noticed Henry's hiding something. I first suspected it during Argaud's trial in December. Since then, I've put a few more pieces together, and I think there's a connection between Henry Gaines and Reginald Hubler."

"If we could find proof of that, we'd be set." I scrubbed one hand through my hair. "Not only to clear Mr. Snyder's name, but also to help find Gemma. And if it helps shut down the Alchemists, all the better."

"Agreed." Gina and Tara said in unison.

"August Richter is helping, too," Hank told us. "Between all of us, I think we can put together enough evidence to have some defense if the Council tries Nat in absentia."

"What about Clem?" John asked. "He's one of Mr. Snyder's good friends. We haven't seen him, and Kerry and the others said they can't contact him. None of us, including Kyo, have had any luck getting in to see him or Amanda. What's going on?"

"They're in seclusion. He wants her all to himself and somewhere safe until this blows over," Gina said.

"Well, after being separated for two hundred years, I suppose I'm not surprised." Tara shrugged.

"To be honest, it would have happened regardless as soon as he learned she was pregnant." Hank squeezed Gina's hand. "He's a possessive son of a gun. He has her all but bundled in a bubble-wrap burrito."

"Do you think we could get him to leave her long enough to help with this?" Tara asked. "Or at least let us talk to her on the phone?"

"Maybe to the first question, but never to the second. Until that kid is born, he will do everything in his power to prevent her from experiencing a moment of stress."

"Let's see if we can arrange a pow pow with Helene and Clem," Gina suggested.

"My love, are you serious?" Hank gave her a bug-eyed look. "You know those two can't get along for five minutes."

"To help Nat they will."

She pulled out the big guns and gave him puppy dog eyes; he caved almost immediately

"All right. We'll try."

Tara giggled, I snorted, and even John grinned.

Guess Kerry isn't the only one susceptible to big ole doe eyes.

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