30. Working on Killing That Guy

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I found my potential accomplice staring into the depths of the refrigerator.

"Hey, Jax, do you feel up to an adventure?"

"Depends." He closed the fridge door and cocked his head as he looked up at me. "From the look in your eyes, I'm either going to love it or hate it, aren't I?"


"And we're doing it right now because Rome's in bed with a migraine and Gigi's off with Kerry on his mystery errand?" He pulled a sour face.

Just as I thought. He's still put out because Kerry asked Gigi and not him to go. Well, this should distract him, if nothing else.

"You catch on quick!" I had to admit that the smile I gave him was edged with mischief.

"And if I said I didn't want to, you'd say okay and go alone?"

I only widened my smile.

"It better not be anything dangerous," he muttered. "I refuse to be left standing alone against Rome's wrath, so you better not get so much as a splinter."

"Rome's wrath," I scoffed. "Sounds like a history documentary."

"If you get hurt, he would kill me." Jax grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eye. "He would kill me dead."

"No splinters, I promise." Raising one finger, I made an x over my heart. "Please?"

"All right, but only because I don't want you to get into trouble alone."

"I know, right?" I grinned. "It's so much more fun to get into trouble together."



I woke up choking and gagging. My thoughts were sluggish, but my aching brain screamed a few words at me that I processed quick enough.




Leaping out of bed, I ran out of the room and called up my blades as instinct took over. I followed my nose and found Mira sitting at the kitchen table.

Jax had George in a striking position as he stared down at whatever she had swaddled in a blanket and cradled against her chest like a baby.

Hurrying over, I took in the thing's big bat ears, almond-shaped solid black eyes, and smooth forehead studded with tiny horns. Its skin was the color of a ripe blueberry and I knew the blanket hid stubby wings.

"It's okay. Just put it down." I spoke in a slow, quiet voice, not wanting to panic her. "I'll take care of it."

"I know what I'm doing, Rome."

"It seems to be sleeping," Jax said. "I think it's okay."

"Put it down."

"I don't want you to kill it. I need it alive."

"It's gonna hurt you, and we have no healer here." I wanted to scream, but kept my voice low and even. "Put it down."

Her mutinous face told me all I needed to know.

Stop arguing with her and do it!

Without another word, I dropped the left blade, stepped closer, and manifested a flat pry bar. I ignored her squawking and slid it between her and the creature, careful not to so much as scrape her skin. Tightening my muscles, I went to flip the little demon out of her arms - and found my arm frozen in place.

Tainted: Book Three - EnslavedWhere stories live. Discover now