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As the first rays of the morning sun gently kissed the edges of Y/n's dormitory window at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a melodious symphony began to stir in the tranquil air. With a soft, rhythmic rustling of feathers, Y/n's faithful companion, a magnificent phoenix named Speki, perched on the wooden sill just beside their four-poster bed. The bird's resplendent plumage blazed with the colors of a thousand sunsets, casting iridescent patterns across the room adorned with tapestries and magical curiosities.

Y/n stirred in their sleep and murmured, "Good morning, Speki."

Speki responded with a melodic trill, its fiery eyes gleaming with an otherworldly wisdom as if acknowledging the greeting.

Y/n smiled, sitting up and reaching out to stroke Speki's majestic feathers. "I know you are excited, but keep it down. Not everyone here is in habit of early mornings ."

Speki let out a silent chirp, a sound that seemed to carry the promise of endless possibilities in the world of wizardry.

After their brief morning exchange, Y/n donned his exercise outfit and made their way out of the dormitory, Speki gracefully taking flight to accompany them. As he stepped outside, the breathtaking beauty of Hogwarts unfolded before them. The castle, with its towering spires and ivy-covered walls, stood as a testament to centuries of magic and history. The Forbidden Forest loomed in the distance, shrouded in mystery, while the Black Lake glistened in the early morning light.

Y/n began their morning jog along the cobbled path that wound through the castle grounds, their footsteps echoing softly in the serene atmosphere. Speki soared above, occasionally letting out musical calls as if cheering them on. The scent of dew-kissed grass and the sound of leaves rustling in the gentle breeze filled the air.

As he exercised, Y/n marveled at the natural beauty surrounding them, feeling a deep connection to the magic that permeated every inch of Hogwarts. It was a daily ritual that allowed them to not only keep fit but also to embrace the enchanting world they had become a part of. With each step, Y/n felt the energy of the castle and the promise of adventure coursing through their veins.

After a rejuvenating morning jog and exercise session that allowed Y/n to soak in the majestic beauty of Hogwarts, he made his way back to the Gryffindor common room. The common room's roaring fireplace crackled with warmth, and the cozy ambiance welcomed students who had begun to stir for the day.

As Y/n entered, he recognised a familiar face from the train. First-year witch, Hermione Granger, sitting on one of the plush couches, engrossed in books and parchment, finding it intresting that someone has already found a place in books rather than exploration on the first day. Y/n silently approached her.

"Hello there," Y/n greeted with a warm smile. "Studying hard, I see?"

Hermione looked up from her notes, her brown eyes bright with curiosity. "Yes, always trying to stay ahead in my studies. Are you a fellow first-year?"

Y/n smiled a bit, her not remember Y/n as his face was covered by the book. Yes he saw her as she was leaving his compartment, this would be fun when she knew who he was.

"Yes I am, Y/n L/n." he said as he offered his hand for a shake.

Hermione's eyes widened and she couldn't think much before saying, "Oh so you were the rude boy!" Before shutting her mouth and mumbling a sorry.

"Ouch Granger! You hurt me with your cruel cruel words." Y/n said as he exaggerated by putting both his hands on his chest making Hermione's ears to turn to a light shade of pink with embarassment.

"I am just joking, and I am sorry if you felt I was rude that day. I was just trying to have a good read." Y/n said with a sincerity as he sat beside her. Hermione just nodded.

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