A dragon?

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Y/n sat in the Great Hall, eating roasted chicken with eggs on the side. It's been a week, since Y/n has been told he is in the team. The Gryffindor table buzzed with anticipation as they prepared to face Hufflepuff in the match that afternoon.

Beside him, his friends offered words of encouragement, their faces filled with pride. "You've got this, Y/n!" cheered Hermione, even Daphne and Tracey came to wish him luck.

Ron clapped him on the back. "Make us proud out there, mate!"

As they finished their breakfast,Wood approached their table. "Y/n, Harry, it's almost time. Are you ready?"

They nodded and followed Wood. As the whole team gathered in the locker room, Wood once again started his speech, Y/n just zoned out.

Looking out at the field, he was quick to spot Snape. If one thing, Y/n was sure about, Gryffindor is not playing a fair game today.

"Y/n" Wood called, breaking his trance. As the team started heading out on the field, Y/n pulled Fred, "I need you to stick with Harry."

Fred confused, asked, "What? Why?"

"Well Snape is the referee, I don't think Slytherin will have any second thoughts about going against rules today. " Y/n explained as both boys walked to the field.

Flying on his broom, Y/n took his position as Chaser, eagerly awaiting the release of the Quaffle. The game commenced, and the Quaffle soared through the air as the Chasers maneuvered skillfully, vying for possession.

With precise teamwork, Y/n and his fellow Chasers weaved through Slytherin's defense, passing the Quaffle with seamless coordination. He felt the rush of wind against his face as he sped towards the goal posts, eyes fixed on the hoops.

With a powerful throw, he scored Gryffindor's first goal, the Quaffle sailing perfectly through the hoop.

Fuelled by the thrill of the game, Y/n soared higher, scanning the pitch for the next opportunity. The match intensified, each team fiercely competing for dominance.

In a breathtaking display of agility and skill, Y/n maneuvered around opposing players, deftly catching the Quaffle and swiftly passing it to his teammates. Gryffindor's teamwork was impeccable as they continued to press forward, scoring another goal.

As Y/n, was soaring back to get the quaffle again, Snape whistled, announcing that Gryffindor won. Y/n was surprised, the game didn't even last five minutes.

Y/n quickly rushed to the ground and hugged Harry as the Gryffindors celebrated their victory.


As Y/n was sitting in the Common room resting after the match, Ron and Hermione were busy, as Ron was once again pestering her to help him with assignments. At that moment the door of the common room swung open, and Harry entered.

"I need to tell you something." Harry said as he rushed to Y/n, Ron and Hermione followed.

Harry then started explaining what he saw today in the Forbidden Forest.

"So let me get this straight, Snape is threatening Quirell to get something. That's interesting." Y/n remarked as he thought on the information.

"It's clear, Snape is trying to get Philosopher stone." Harry remarked.

“So you mean the Stone’s only safe as long as Quirrell stands up to Snape?” said Hermione in alarm.

“It’ll be gone by next Tuesday,” said Ron.

"I'm still not sure about this. We need to get more information." Y/n said, still sceptical about this whole situation.

"What do you mean, you are always the one to go against Snape, and now you want to say, Snape isn't the one. " Harry asked confused how Y/n don't think that Snape isn't the one.

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