The Show's Off

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"And the hottest story today: Porsha Crystal was reportedly fired from her father's show.", Linda Le Bon said on the TV.

In anger, Crystal threw the remote at the TV breaking it.
"They fired my daughter? My daughter?", he yelled as Porsha wailed, "Would you be quiet? You've embarrassed me enough."
"But Daddy...", she looked at him, her mascara running down.
"Now the whole world thinks I got a talentless loser for a daughter. Take her home."
Porsha stood up as one thugs guided her out.
"Bring me Moon. Both of them."

The elevator opened as (Y/N) and Buster were walking towards the door with fear. On their way, Jerry was working in his little office seeing them but then shook his head. As they arrived, Buster was about to knock when his cell phone rang. Buster looked around as he took his phone seeing that Ash was calling.

"Ash? Now is not a good...", Buster said.
"Moon, I've got him!"
"What?", (Y/N) exclaimed.
"I got Calloway!"


Ash and Clay were on the motorcycle riding towards the city.
"Here, he wants to talk to you.", Ash held out the phone up to Clay.
"Your friend is even more annoying than you are. And I want to see my little (f/f) again."
Ash laughed holding back to her ear, "Don't listen to him. We're heading to Redshore right now."


"You are?", Buster wondered.
"Oh, my gosh. Okay, this is great news, seriously. You may have just saved our lifes here."
"You can thank (Y/N) for convincing him."
"Oh really.", he turned to his sister.
"Let's just say that I helped a bit."

Buster hung up as he set his tie right.
"Okay. Here we go."
The door was open by Suki as (Y/N) and Buster ran in, "Mr. Moon, Miss Moon, what have you two done?"
Crystal was getting his fur cleaned and his claws filed.
"Mr. Crystal. We got some great news for you. Clay Calloway is on his way here right now.", (Y/N) announced.
"Everbody, out.", everybody left the office leaving them alone.
"Okay, I think I know what this might be about, and I...", Buster said.
"You two fired Porsha."
"No. No. We never fired her."
"You calling her a liar?"
"No, Mr. Crystal, she didn't listen to us and misunderstood.", (Y/N) said.
"Yes, Porsha just got it all wrong, is all. We were only trying to help her do the best she could, and be-believe us, we-we-we just wanted to do the right thing."
"The right thing to do...", he grabbed Buster by his collar then yelled, "... is what I tell you to do!"
(Y/N) was about to help her brother but Crystal's thugs came behind her, holding her arms, "Hey! Let go of me!"
"But we did! We-we-we delivered a great show.", Buster stammered as Crystal walked out the balcony and held Buster over it, "And Ca-Calloway, he's coming. No, no, no! Stop! Stop!
(Y/N) tried to fight of the thugs to help Buster but their grip was too strong, "Buster!"
"You really think I'd let a lowlife little amateur loser like you and a stupid human like your sister humiliate me?", Crystal yelled.
Buster pleaded looking down, "Please! Please!"
"You two made me look bad."
"No, no! I didn't mean to! No!"
"So I'm gonna have to let you go."
"What? Whoa!", Buster screamed as Crystal let him go.
"BUSTER!", (Y/N) yelled.
Suddenly Jerry came in, "Sir. Uh, sir, sir, sir. I'm-I'm so sorry, um, so sorry to bother you,", Crystal turned to him with Buster holding on to his arm, making (Y/N) sign in relief, "but, uh, you have a live TV appearance in just a moment, so it-it might be better if we just put a pin in this right now. Um..."
Crystal grabbed Buster then threw him in a room.
"You-you nearly killed me.", Buster panted.
"And I'll finish the job later.", Crystal closed the door and locked it.
"What about the human, sir?", one of the thugs asked.
Crystal looked at (Y/N) still trying to free herself.
"Tie her up! She can be useful!"
(Y/N)'s eyes widened in fear as the thugs dragged her away from the office, "No! Let me go! Buster! Help!"

In the looked room, Buster heard his sister yelling.
"No.", he whimpered and panted, "No. No.", he made a statue crash making him yell, "Help! Help! Jerry! Anyone!"
He walked to the door banging on it, "No. Help, please!"
Then the door got unlocked and opened as Buster's hands were grabbed by someone.
"Shh!", that someone being Suki, "You need to get out of this city and never, ever come back. Do you understand? Never."
"Okay, okay. I understand."
"I told you you were not cut out for this."
"He tried to kill me."
"Yeah, and when he finds you're gone, he'll have his thugs looking all over for you.", she let his hands go.
"Okay. Thank you, Suki. I'm so, so..."
"Get out of here."
"But what about my sister?"
"I'll think of something. Get out of here. Now!"
Buster ran out of the office.


In the studio, Miss Crawly picked up her phone as Buster called.
"Uh, what did you say, Mr. Moon?"


Buster ran through the people while being on the phone.
"Get out! All of you! Get out of there right now! There's no time to explain. Just get the cast and meet me back at the hotel!"
He bumped into someone making his phone fall on the street which was then run over.


Crystal was backstage waiting for his cue to make the interview, (Y/N) sat next to him with her hands bounded behind her back.
"And we're live in five, four, three, two...", the floor manager said as the generic sounded.
"Jerry, go get my snacks.", Crystal ordered.
"Yes, sir.", Jerry ran to the office taking the bowl from the table but gasped seeing that the door where Buster was, was open and empty.
He quickly ran back to Crystal, "Sir! Uh, sir, sir, sir.", he whispered that Buster was gone.
"What?", Crystal growled then snapped his fingers.
His thugs appeared behind him.
"Moon got out. Find him.", he ordered.
He then came to the stage with a fake laugh.
"Hey, everybody! Good to see you."


In the suite, Buster panted packing his suitcase as it knocked on the door. Buster gasped running around trying to find a place to hide. It knocked again on the door. In the last moment, Buster jumped in his suitcase and zipped it close. He heard the door creak open and waited for the worst.

"Ash?", he banged on the suitcase, "Ash, in here!"
He moved around making the suitcase stand up straight on the ground.
"I-I'm stuck!"
"You got to be kidding me!", Clay said.
"Hold still.", Ash went to the suitcase trying to zip in open, "What are you doing it there?"
"Ash, the show's off. Crystal got mad and tried to kill me. And he kidnapped (Y/N)."
"What?", she zipped the suitcase open making Buster fall out.
"I thought you were his thugs trying to finish me off."
Suddenly the doorbell rang.
"Oh, no. It's them. Shh. Pretend we're not here.", he hid back in the suitcase.
"The first time I leave hom in 15 years, and what do I find? The show is off, and this guy is hiding in a suitcase. And the worst of it, my daughter is kidnapped by that wolf.", Clay said walking to the door.
"No, no, don't ... don't open the door.", Buster pleaded, "No, no, no."
Clay opened the door. It weren't the thugs but the cast with Nooshy.
They all gasped, "Clay Calloway."
He leaned down to Miss Crawly, "I remember you."
Petrified, Miss Crawly fainted.

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