Preparing the Show behind Crystal's Back

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"Miss Crawly."
Miss Crawly imitated the paint gun again.
"Miss Crawly, wake up."
"Wha... Mm, what?", she woke looking at Buster.
"Wake up. We got to get out of here."
Johnny looked out the door, "Coast is clear. Let's go."
"Come on, Miss Crawly. Come on.", Meena said.
Buster helped Miss Crawly up from the couch, "Come on. Come on. Once we saved (Y/N), we'll all feel better when we're safe at home."
"You sure about that?", Clay asked, "'Cause I can tell you, running and hiding away is not all that it's cracked up to be."
"Well, we don't have a choice."
"Yeah, well, all these years, I thought the same, but turns out there's always a choice. Just never had the guts to make the right one. Know what I mean?"

"Right? A victim.", Crystal said on the TV as Buster and the cast watched, "I shut down my show 'cause of a talentless little twerp called Buster Moon and his stupid human sister (Y/N). Seriously, you should've those losers. Oh, and their pathetic amateur friends-- let's just say, whatever Podunk town they crawled out of, that's where they belong, 'cause it sure ain't this great city."

Buster switched off the TV as the cast walked to the door with sad faces.
"No. I see, Clay's right. What we're trying to do here, it takes guts.", he turned to the cast, "Guys, wait. We-we cannot let that-that-that-that... that bully steal our hopes and dreams."
"No, no, no. We are way past singing and dancing now.", Rosita said.
"Look, I-I know this might sound crazy. If we got the theater back..."
"Oh, come on. Seriously? It's not like we can just sneak in there and put the show on behind Crystal's back. And how can we do the show without (Y/N)? She's still in the grasps of that psycho.", Johnny said.
"That is exactly what we're gonna do. And in case Crystal appears with (Y/N), we're gonna save her."
"Yes!", Nooshy cheered.
Suddenly the doorbell rang again, making them all gasps.
"Maybe it's, like, room service?", Gunter guessed nervously.
But it banged on the door, "Open up or you're dead, Moon!"
It were Crystal's thugs.
"Okay, it's not room service."
"You and your dumb friends better not be hiding in there."
"What are we gonna do?", Meena asked.
"Guys, we just got to be brave now.", Buster said.
"Are you saying we should fight these thugs?", Johnny said.
"No, no. They'll beat us to a pulp."
It banged on the door.
"We're gonna put this show on while saving (Y/N) whether Crystal likes it or not. But first,... ", he pointed to the window, "we're gonna jump out that window.
"What?", everybody exclaimed.
"I'm beginning to like this guy.", Clay said.

One of the thug tried to kick the door as the other broke it down with an fire extinguisher. Just as they got in, the cast along with Nooshy and Clay jumped over the balcony and into the pool.

"Security. Yeah, we got nine suspects loose on the river ride. Repeat, nine suspects loose on the river ride.", one of the thugs said over his ear piece.
The waves from the pool swayed the cast away as they held on a swimming ring.
"Hang on, everybody.", Buster yelled.
They all whooped as the security arrived at the slide.
"Uh, this is pool security. I don't see anyone here. Over.", one of them said over the walkie talkie.
"There!", the other pointed, "They're heading east through the back lot."
The cast ran through the bushes as the security followed them.
"Go, go, go, go, go.", Buster encouraged them to run faster.
"Oh, I wish I didn't have...", a branch punched Gunter in the face, "such teeny, tiny legs!"

Miss Crawly tried to run but she was to slow so Johnny picked her up on his way. They all jumped over the railing as the security came but they saw no one.


"Thank you, Linda. Thank you. Thanks, everybody.", Crystal finished the interview changing his happy face back to his angry face.
He took the phone from Jerry and with his other hand, he grabbed (Y/N) from the bounds, "Well?"


The thugs looked around for the cast but they lost them.
"Uh, no sign of 'em, sir. We think they might have split town."


Back in his office, Crystal threw (Y/N) to the ground and kicked a vase down in anger.


The cast ran to the studio as Buster opened the dressing room with the key card. They walked in as Meena switched on the lights. They gasped seeing the room getting clean by a lot of little monkeys.

"No one is supposed to be in here.", one of them said.
"Uh, who are you?", Buster asked.
"We're the night cleaners."
"Oh, I see. Well, we don't need any cleaning right now, but it'd be better, if you didn't leave, so... Mm, I don't suppose any of you can tap-dance, huh?"
Another one lifted his hand.
"Huh. Well. let's move it, folks."

Gunter took his costume from the rack. Nooshy tossed a baton to Johnny.
Buster walked to the space helmet holding it out to Rosita, "Here, Rosita. It's your role."
Happy that she got the lead role back, Rosita hugged the helmet and walked off to get ready.
"Miss Crawly, let's see if we can get us a new green alien.", Buster ordered.
"Yes, sir, Mr. Moon, sir.", she saluted, again in her military role.


Porsha sobbed which holding a pillow on her bed as Miss Crawly came up with the lift.
"Rise and shine, sweetheart!", she yelled in the speaker scaring Porsha as she looked out the window.


Together, they walked in the dressing room.
"Hey! You made it!", Buster ran to Porsha, hugging her legs.
"Yeah, well, uh, maybe I overreacted a little before."
"A little? You were, like, a total drama queen back there.", Gunter clarified.
"Yeah, okay, we're all good now.", Buster said.
"Wow, my dad's gonna flip when he finds out about us."
"Well, we're safe for now, but listen, let's..."
"Safe?", Porsha scoffed, "Uh, no. None of us are safe."
"Mr. Moon, I know someone who can protect us.", Johnny proposed.


Back in Catalonia, Rick was talking with Johnny on the phone.
"Right. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Protection? Say no more, son. We're on our way."
Together with Stan and Barry, Rick drove the truck out of the garage.


Quietly, Miss Crawly brought the dancers in the studio. Ash took her guitar out of the case while Clay had his case on the lap. Gunter put on his robot suit. Porsha had the alien costume hoping that it will fit her. Johnny sprayed black over his eyes as Rosita and Porsha put blush on their cheeks. The little monkey tap-danced showing it to his collegues.


In his bathroom, Crystal brushed his fangs. (Y/N) was in his bedroom sleeping in a corner, her eyes bloodshed from tears and tired from trying to free herself.

Crystal opened the door, "Good night, Porsha."
She didn't answer because the window was open in her bedroom.
"All right, be that way. I don't care. Spoiled little brat.", he slamed the door.


"All right, time to get us an audience.", Buster said.
"Wait. Moon, as soon as you start inviting folks in here, hotel security will just shut us down, right?", Ash mentioned.
"Oh, it's okay. Rosita's got that covered."
Rosita took out her phone calling her husband, "Norman, release the piglets."


On the 17th floor, the elevator opened as Rosita's kids ran out and started to rummage around the buffet as the hosts tried to catch them. Norman watched them while eating muffins as a host called the security.

"All security, we have a situation on floor 17."
The security ran out of the control room.
"Repeat, all security to floor 17."
Caspar was slurping in the chocolate fountain, "This is the best day of my life, Daddy! Whoo!", he yelled but jumped out as a host reached out for him but missed.

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