Planet of War

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Backstage, Johnny and the dancers warmed up. Johnny was nervous but also scared for (Y/N).
"You've got this, big guy. Remember what I said-- just go with the flow. Make (Y/N) proud.", Nooshy encouraged him.
Johnny nodded running to the piano on the stage as Klaus came in.

"Mission report. I must take care, for I have landed on the Planet of War.", Rosita said in the device then left the stage.

'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
I'm gonna give you my heart
'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
'Cause you light up the path

Backstage, Nooshy, Meena, Miss Crawly, Buster and Rick were watching him.
"That's my boy.", Rick praised.

I don't care, go on and tear me apart
I don't care if you do, ooh, ooh

Johnny looked to the left seeing Klaus next to Ryan glaring at him. He became nervous but then thought about Nooshy's words how (Y/N) would be proud. He smiled as regained confidence.

'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars
I think I saw you

He stood up from the piano getting forward then he performed his dance moves. Everybody cheered at the backstage.
Having enough, Klaus grabbed the baton from Ryan, "Give me that! And your costume. Now!"
"Wait, what?"
"Take it off now!"


The limousine drove around the other cars towards the theatre. In it were Suki, Crystal, his thugs, Jerry and (Y/N).
"Uh, we'll be at the theatre soon, sir.", the driver said.

I don't care, go on and tear me apart

"I don't want to be there soon. I want to be there now.", Crystal ordered.
"Yeah, we want to be there now.", Jerry repeated.
"Yes, sir."
The driver hit the gas making Jerry rolled to the back.


I don't care if you do, ooh, ooh

Johnny's warriors and the opponent's warriorstook their places in front of each other as Johnny's opponent stood in front him. But instead of Ryan, it was Klaus. Johnny's eyes widened as he looked backstage seeing Ryan in only a shirt and shorts.

'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars
I think I saw you

Klaus then attacked Johnny like a psycho as Johnny tried to avoid with his batons. Then they came at the finale as they balanced on their baton, crossing the other. Klaus kicked the baton of Johnny's feet making him.

Klaus climbed off as he stood over Johnny, pushing him down with his baton.
"You see? You will never be great, Johnny. And this time, your stupid human girlfriend can't save you."
The audience cheered as Klaus turned to them.

Hearing those words, Johnny became very angry. Backstage, everybody groaned but then Nooshy banged a rhythm on the barrel she was standing. With new confidence, Johnny stood and stomped his baton in rhythm on the ground. Enough of Klaus, the other dancers followed and stomped their batons too. Even Ryan at the backstage grabbed a broom and followed.

I don't care, go on and tear me apart
I don't care if you do, oh-oh

Klaus attacked Johnny but Johnny avoid the baton jumping over him.

'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars

"Yeah, that's more like it.", Nooshy said as she continued to bang on the barrel.

I think I saw you

He danced around him then slapped Klaus's hat away with the baton. Scared, Klaus held his baton out but Johnny broke it with his then also slapped Klaus in the face.

Johnny finished as he was face to face with Klaus, "No one insults my girlfriend. No one.", he said.

The audience cheered as Johnny smiled at them. Admitting that he lost, Klaus dropped the destroyed baton and bowed down to Johnny. He looked up and smiled at Johnny which Johnny returned. He was finally a great dancer.

Backstage, everybody came down the stairs and cheered for Johnny.
"This is Barry. Come in. Over.", Barry said from the walkie talkie.
"Yeah, go ahead, Barry.", Rick said.


Barry was outside the theatre seeing that the limousine came.
"Crystal's on site. Repeat, Crystal is on site. Over."
"Is (Y/N) with him? Over."
Barry looked seeing that (Y/N) was dragged by the thugs, "Yes, she is. Over."


"Roger that.", Rick said then cracked his knuckles, "Right, let's go to work and save (Y/N)."

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