Out of this World

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"Repeat, everybody to floor 17!"
The security in the lobby ran towards the elevators as the screen switched on with Buster on it.
"Wait, uh, is it on?", Buster asked.
"Yes, it's on now.", Miss Crawly said.
"Oh, now?"
"Yes, now."
"Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. Before I blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, Yeah, okay.", he cleared his throat, "Good evening. Uh, my name is Buster Moon, and it is my gret pleasure to present to you, for one night only in the Crystal Tower Theatre..."
A host looked at the screen taking out her phone calling Jerry.


Jerry woke up in his office taking the phone.
"Mr. Crystal's office. This is Jerry speaking."


"... a brand-new show called Out of this World. A musical space odyssey featuring the return of the legendary Clay Calloway."
The announcement was heard outside as the customers around the male elephant truck were making their way to the theatre.


Jerry quickly ran from his office to the elevator.


"That's right, Clay Calloway. And what's more, this show is completely free, so step right up, folks, and take your seats."
The people in the cafe gasped also getting to make their way. Amongst them was Klaus, eating ice cream.


Everybody from the hotel made their way to the theatre to get the best seats.
"The journey of a lifetime is about to begin."

Backstage, everybody was ready for the show.
"All right, folks, we all set back here?", Buster asked.
Suddenly the doors opened revealing Rick, Stan and Barry.
Rick looked around then saw Johnny, "There he is!"
"Dad." Johnny ran to him, hugging him.
"Come here."
"What are you wearing?"
"Oh, well, we're still doing our community service, ain't we, lads?"
"Yeah./That's right.", Stan and Barry said.
"And where is (Y/N)?", Rick asked.
"Um...Crystal got her.", Johnny saidl
"What do you mean, son?"
"He kidnapped her."
"Yeah, so in case Crystal arrives at the hotel, could you save her?"
"Of course."
"We'll save at the backstage in case Crystal gets away with her."

Meena looked at the audience.
"Oh, my gosh. He's here."
"Crystal's here?", Buster wondered.
"No. M-My ice cream guy.", Meena clarified, "And he's sitting in the front row."


Jerry barged into Crystal's room, "Mr. Crystal! Mr. Crystal!"
Crystal woke in his bed while (Y/N) woke up too in the corner, "Aah! Jerry!"
"Mr. Crystal, wake up, wake up."
"I tried to stop him, sir.", one of the thugs said.
"I-I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry to wake you up, sir. It's Moon and he's putting up a show right now."
(Y/N)'s eyes widened in happiness.
"He's what?!", Crystal jumped out of his bed.
Jerry screamed like a girl seeing his boss naked as the thugs and (Y/N) looked away.


The audience clapped rhythmically for the show to start. Rick and his buddies took their positions at the stairs.

Backstage, the cast huddled together.
"Okay, this is it, guys. You ready?", Buster said.
"Oh, my gosh. Are we really doing this?", Rosita asked.
"Yeah, you better believe it.", Johnny said.
"Yeah, big-time, baby!", Gunter cheered.
"Remember... There's only one way left to go, and that's up!", they all said jumping up then seperated.
"Let's do it! Come on!", Buster said.
"Gunter robot activating piggy power. Beep-beep, boop-boop.", Gunter said robotically.
"Playback!", Buster ordered to Miss Crawly who switched on the music.

The stage opened revealing the galaxy.
"All creatures great and small, welcome to outer space.", Buster announced.
The stars moved to the right as the space ship came down with Rosita and Gunter in it.
"My name is Captain Rosita.", the display showed pictures of Clay and (Y/N) as a child, "My mission: to find and rescue a space explorer and his daughter who mysteriously went missing long ago."
Gunter approached her, "Captain, I am picking up their signal."
The display changed showing five planets, "Excellent. But from which planet? I see five of them ahead."
"It is impossible to know which one the signal, is, like coming from. It can also be that the two will not be on the same planet."
"I see, then I'll have to explore them all. Take us down."

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