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good girls use fake guns

good girls use fake guns

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"𝐆𝐔𝐍 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋, come over here," itoshi rin said

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"𝐆𝐔𝐍 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋, come over here," itoshi rin said. no— he commanded. as your face twisted into a grimace, yet you still went over to where he is anyways.

there's one thing you find funny about this gang. for two whole days that you've joined, the people in the gang were always there right after school. it was safe to say some of them didn't even went to school. so everyone's attire is school uniform, including you.

julian explained, that one night where they attempted to bring you into their gang and dresses like professionals was just right after they attended a party shidou ryusei hosted.

how fun.

they didn't invited you to the party but schemed a kidnapping case right after it. the audacity the blonde pink cockroach had.

anyways back to pretty boy with turquoise eyes— he ripped open a fully taped box with raw strength alone. the lid of course. then he opened it, allowing you to see the contents inside of it.

"these are artificial bullets made of rubber. they were made and sent by an alliance from france. since we're not to use a actual gunpowder bullets, rubber will suffice for missions involving the yakuza."

rin explained as he took out a thin metal box, opening it before handing you the box.

"rubber bullets will only knock it's victims out for a moment. they do not kill, but they hurt just as much as real bullets."

you took out a bullet and inspected it while playing it a little. true, those are rubber bullets. if you've seen rubber arrows, you know how the bullets around your fingers are like.

"so where's the mvp?" you asked rin.

the itoshi then held out a small gun for you. he took the bullet in your hands and loaded it before giving it to you. "try pulling the trigger."

your e/c eyes locked themselves into the weapon in his hands. well, not exactly a weapon, but still a tool used to knock some poor unfortunate souls out. it's small too. smaller than what you'd expect out of a real gun or pistol.

what's worse?

it's blue.

neon blue...

it's a friggin' neon gun!!!!!


that was all you had to say, before aiming it at itoshi rin and quickly pulling the trigger as he had instructed you to.


a loud bang was heard throughout the room. smoke slowly find it's freedom out the tip of the gun. your eyes widened and a faint tsk could be heard.

there itoshi rin was, the rubber bullet in his hand as he caught it right before it could hit is face. his facial expression was unexplainable. it was a mix of disgust, a frown, building anger, and some satisfaction all smudged with each feeling.

"ironclad rule; never aim your gun at your superiors," rin sternly said, brushing the palm of his hands so the rubber remains would fall off.

a cocky smirk formed at the corner of your lips. "oops."

the itoshi took the gun out from your hands and replaced them with a stack of cash. it's not a thin stash. it's a thick, fat, and scrumptious stash of paper money.

"payment for your first overseeing mission over zantetsu."

"but i literally did nothing 💀" you replied.

"a mission is a mission. it does not matter. i will be keeping your weapons until you are assigned a more dangerous mission," rin kept the gun in the box and sealed the box back up.

you frowned. "huh??? but it's a fake gun! a real gun is understandable to confiscate but at least lemme have my fake neon blue gun, you freaking my-chemical-romance emo boy!!!!"

"no. also, good girls uses fake guns. stay as a good girl and don't be a bad one. your missions are bound to eventually become a nightmare anyways."

with that, the admin, second in command guy left the place with the box in his hands. leaving a pissed off you at the back, eyes twitching and mind wondering how to murder rin with the neon blue gun.

 leaving a pissed off you at the back, eyes twitching and mind wondering how to murder rin with the neon blue gun

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a/n: bleach cour 2 ended
what am i going to do with
my life right now ⁉️⁉️

𝐍𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐔𝐍. blue lockWhere stories live. Discover now