~Leaving The PPV (Part 2)~

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My Pov:

As she is holding my hand I can't help but smile and feel so happy right now.

But my smile fades and happiness is suddenly gone when Sonya makes her way over to us and says something to me.

Sonya: "That sh*t was rigged!!"

Me: "Oh my god you haven't left yet?"

Sonya: "I was on my way out but I had to say something to the two of you before I did leave."

Me: "You can stop with the act now Sonya there are no cameras around so get rid of this evil witch tough act you got going on."

Sonya: "Shut up b**ch!!"

Rhea: "What did you just call her?!"

Sonya: "I called her a b**ch what are you going to do about it?!"

Rhea: "No one talks to my girlfriend like that!!"

After she says this I realize that she just called me her girlfriend in front of everyone.

As I am realizing this I try my hardest not to seem so dramatic or surprised about it.

Because I don't want everyone's attention on me even though it already is on me.

I just don't want to make the situation worse by being so dramatic or surprised at what she said.

But at the same time I can't help but be surprised because we was supposed to keep us being together a secret so no one knew about us being together.

But the way we acted towards each other during the women's Royal Rumble and kissing on each other and now she just called me her girlfriend in front of everyone.

I am sure everyone knows that there is something going on between us.

Which has me wondering now that since everyone knows about us are they going to be talking about us now are they going to spread false rumors about us.

As all of these things are going through my mind I put everything in the back of my mind and focus on what is going on.

Because I don't want to cause myself to over think then have my girlfriend worried or even cause myself to have a panic attack.

So I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down and I focus on what is going on now and I put everything else behind me for now.

While my mind continues to race with all kinds of things my thoughts get interrupted when I feel Rhea let go of my hand.

After she let's go of my hand she tries to go after Sonya.

But before either of them can hit the other I gently wrap my arms around her and I hold her close to me so she can't go anywhere.

But I don't know why I am trying so hard because she gets mad enough she will leave my arms no problem.

Because she is taller than me and she is definitely bigger than me.

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