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"I'm tired!.."

"Okok, let's take a break." Chaeryoung says.

"But-" Changbin tries to say.

"No buts. He need more time than us to gain energy." Chaeryoung says.

"C-can I have water..?" Felix asks.

"Of course, let's go to the others, and after the break we can come back, ok?" Changbin says asking Felix.

"Ok.." He answer.

"Come on, I can say that in like 3 months you will be good but you need to focus on being healthy. Understood?" Chaeryoung says looking at her friend with a knowing look.

"Yeah..I will try." Felix says looking down.

"Ok..well we are here. Are you all alive here?" Changbin asks looking around.

"We are in the kitchen!" Lia shouts.


"I'm so tired.." Felix mumbles as he eats his food.

."You're adorable" Chaeryoung says.

"I was literally just breathing." Felix says as he look at her.

"You're back! Ok so, Felix, tell us a little more about yourself!" Lia says excited.

"Yeah! I'm finally meeting you! I need to know so much more!" Beomgyu says smiling wide.

"Guys! Don't overwhelmed him." Chaeryoung says glaring at her girlfriend and her friend.

"It's ok. Well..I'm 18 years old and my mom left with my sisters when I was like 6. Since then my life was a hell? I think.." He says looking down.

"Wait. So you don't remember your mom face? Or anything about her or your sisters?" Taehyun asks.

"N-no..I actually don't even remember meeting them.."

"Would you like to meet them?" Taehyun asks looking at him.

"I mean..yeah."

"Well..we have three hackers in the room that could help you~" Beomgyu says smirking.

"We could but I don't think it's a good idea-" Lia starts.

"I want to do it!" Jeongin says interrupting Lia.

"I want to do it too" Taehyun says.

"Guys-" Changbin starts trying to stop the situation.

"Come on! We can do it!"

"It's really fine if you don't do it guys-" Felix says.

"I mean..they are right. We can do it. We just have to find the marriage certificate. It's really easy since we know your father name" Lia explains.

"Nonono. Stop it. We have to talk about this to the leaders, you can't do this without their permission!" Changbin says annoyed.

"Changbin is right. We can't do anything without the leaders." Chaeryoung continues.

"They don't have to know." Seungmin stars.

"You really think they will not find out?!" Taehyun says.

"Ok so when the mission is over we have to ask them."

"It's really fine guys, can we please change the topic?" Feix asks looking at Chaeryoung.

"Felix is right. Let's change the topic. we have any way to know what the others are doing?" She asks looking at her girlfriend and at the other two.

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