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The walk to the village was long.

It's been two whole days and you haven't stepped foot in water since. You drank water, but it wasn't common for you as you'd get all the nutrients from the water through your skin, as living in the sea had its advantages.

The sun was beating down and you felt like a dog panting.

You had drunk your share of water and felt too embarrassed to ask anyone else for theirs. 

"Almost there" Gale said, looking over his map.

"You've been saying that hours ago" Lae'zel scowled, taking off her helmet to wipe her forehead.

"I mean it, look, the village is just down this hill and up the next one" Gale pointed in front of the group, showing us a very small area as light smoke flooded the air.

"Gods this can't be at all good" shadowheart murmurs to herself.


As everyone approaches the village gates, you look over to see a small stable, no horses or other animals were in it and your eyes dart over to the watering trough, filled to the brim with fresh clear water.

You sigh in relief and run over to it, the others quickly catching on.

You kneel on the floor and scoop the water with your hands and drink from it, practically dunking your head into it as it was so cold.

Everyone did the same and you sat on the floor with your hand still in the now half empty trough.

"Can we PLEASE just take a break, I'm not made for this type of weather" Astarion whines, tossing his head back against the trough while in the shade.

"Yet you came wearing that" Lae'zel points a finger over Astarions elven clothing, long arms and cuffs.

"Lay off" Wyll cuts in before Astarion opens his mouth to blurt something out, "we can't waste anytime, people need our help, Lord knows what they've been through"

You watch as Astarion rolls his eyes and gets up off of the floor, patting off the dirt from the back of his pants.

You quickly refill your drinking can and follow the party through the destroyed gates of the village.

Bodies lay everywhere and you held your breath as the horrible stench of rotting corpses filled your nose. 

"Tch, what a waste" Astarion sighs, eyeing the puddles of blood.

You stumbled and weaved through the bodies before reaching a tavern. The door creaks open and out of no where a man, covered in sweat and blood comes running towards the group.

"W-who are you? How did you find us? No matter, we need help, please-"

"Wait, what happened here" Shadowheart cuts him off and he takes a deep breath of air.

"I wasn't around for all of it but I saw a group of people, they broke through the gates and began killing us. Asking questions before slaughtering the lot. I-I ran in here and-and saw a... a Teifling  for Gods sake! It ran through everything and began killing and ripping off heads. I just closed my eyes and covered my ears.." the man said scrunching his face as he recalled all the event that had happened, "it killed my sister too, please take this," he hands you a sword almost the size of yourself, "bring its head back for me, for my sister, for everyone"

"Are you completely sure it was a Teifling?" You asked holding the sword with your two hands. Teiflings are  vile, ferocious creatures, as you were told by Wyll. They're human in ancestry, but draw part of their bloodline from a powerful evil being, such as a demon or the devil himself.

You turn slowly around, unsure if what to do with the weapon you're holding and just hand it over to Wyll who straps it on his back in a matter of seconds.

When out of the Tavern you make you're way up and out of the village, the bodies trailed off slightly out of the village gates. You followed them with the team before seeing the said Teifling, heaving it's chest up and down as it was grunting. It almost looks like they where in pain.

Wyll got in front and held the swords by his hips, hushing us and staying low. He brought the sword higher and before he could swing the giants red horned being turned around, it's tail smacking the Sword out of Wylls hands.

"No! Stop! It wasn't my fault!" They yelled, exposing their red glowing chest, almost as if lava was running through them.

"The blood dripping from your axes say otherwise" Wyll threatens.

"I wasn't myself! I couldn't keep it in, I don't why hell just broke loose" the red glow began to grow colder and eventually died off, "I saw them, murdering all those people and I decided to step in, guessing everyone just thought it was my fault, cant blame them" they said, looking down at themselves.

"Don't hurt her, she did nothing but help" you say to Wyll, grasping his shoulder.

"It's impossible to trust someone like them"

"We could say the same about you as of right now" Gale interrupts.

Wyll silently observers them, his eyes analysing their every move.

He sighs deeply, "fine. But if they turn on us, it's over"

The Teiflings eyes widen at his approval.

"You should come with us, it would mean a great deal" you ask.

"Ah that's awesome! I appreciate you guys trusting me, really I do. I'm Karlach"

Everyone and yourself introduces themselves and you wave over for Karlach to follow back to camp.

"More options of what to feed off of tonight" Astarion mumbles to himself, a smug smile covering his face.


953 words
Really wanted to include Karlach into this because she's literally my favourite omfg I LOVE HER GRRRAAAA

𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒊𝒕 // Astarion x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now