1 - Plans

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~ 𝟑𝐑𝐃 𝐏𝐎𝐕~

𝙱𝙴𝙴𝙿...- 𝙱𝙴𝙴𝙿...- 𝙱𝙴𝙴𝙿...-

The alarm clock buzzes, signalling for Gregory to get out of bed and get ready for the day. He sleepily moves towards the edge of the bed before stopping the alarm clock on his bedside table on his phone. He picks it up and turns it on to check the time just in case. His phone tells him that it is 7:30 AM and he then puts it back down on the bedside table before throwing the sheets off of his body and getting out of bed. He walks over to his wardrobe and opens the drawers to reveal a few stacks of clothing for him to choose from. It was a Saturday morning and he had no school thank the Lord.

He grabbed a pair of blue denim jeans and a white turtleneck long-sleeve shirt and a light brown sweater with diamond patterns on it. Then he grabbed some of his favourite black and white socks and pulled them up high underneath the denim jeans. He slipped on his brown Uggs for the time being and opened his bedroom door and stepped outside of it and through the house to the kitchen. When he entered the kitchen, the first person he saw was Aspen, Gregory's older brother. Aspen knew his younger brother had just entered the room, even without having to look in his direction. Aspen stood in front of the sink with his hands over the edge while he washed the dishes from last night's dinner.

"Good morning, Greg," Aspen said calmly.
"Morning." Gregory said with not much emotion as usual. Ever since the night at the Pizzaplex happened he never had the best time showing emotions. The trauma from that night sunk in and had affected the way he expresses different feelings. But one thing is for sure, he has always had hatred for gay people. He is really homophobic (bruh they are still people just like me irl and the readers rn).

"Any reason why you're so grumpy this morning?" Aspen asked with slight attitude. Gregory simply groaned in response as he sat at the dining table. Aspen stopped cleaning and washing the dishes and grabbed Gregory's bowl which had cornflakes and milk with a metal spoon in it. He carried it over to Gregory and sat it in front of Gregory. He grabbed the spoon reluctantly and started to scoop up little parts of the cereal and eat it. Aspen smiled at his brother before walking back over to the sink and continuing to clean the plates and cutlery from last night.

"So why are you so dressed up this early in the morning? You aren't one to be this ready in the mornings," Aspen wondered. Gregory finished his bite of the cereal and replied with, "I was planning on going out to this new café in town where apparently it sells really good morning milkshakes. I was hoping to maybe try one this morning." Gregory responded. He continued to bite on his spoonful of cornflakes soaked in milk.

"That sounds really nice! Would you mind if I tagged along? I also want to try these new morning milkshakes that they sell," Aspen asked kindly. Gregory nodded in response. Aspen smiled at his brother's reply. They never really go out much. Aspen works mostly so he can pay the rent and bills and for food and Gregory goes to school during the week. On weekends, Gregory stays in his room playing video games and doing whatever while Aspen is alone doing more house work like the dishes, laundry and yard work. They didn't really know their parents much before they were abandoned. Aspen had to get a job and take care of Gregory when he was only 14 and when Gregory was 3. Now Aspen is 26 and Gregory is 15.

Gregory finished his cereal and put the empty bowl on the sink. Aspen cleaned it up too and then got himself ready. He grabbed his stuff and waited for Gregory at the front door while Gregory went to go grab his phone from his room. He came back, phone in hand and his white headphones on his head with one ear exposed. Gregory picked the song he wanted to listen to and began to walk with Aspen down the street to the café.

When they arrived, they noticed that the place was already open and didn't have many people lined up so they quickly jumped in line before a whole crowd showed up out of nowhere. Aspen bought himself and Gregory 1 milkshake each and they went to go sit at a table while waiting for their drinks.

Gregory sat down in his seat and stared at his phone, scrolling through his list of songs to put on next. Aspen noticed the drinks were coming over so he tapped Gregory on the head and smiled sweetly. He handed Gregory his milkshake and they began to take small sips from it. It was milky and sweet as well as delicious with some foamy stuff in it. It was really good and Aspen was obsessed with its amazing taste. They drank their milkshakes in peace...

But Aspen then noticed something... Or rather... Someone?


Who could this person be? 🧐
First story!! I'm excited :)

883 words

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