9 - Trauma

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~ 𝟑𝐑𝐃 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ~

⚠ ⚠ !TW! ⚠ ⚠
If you are uncomfortable with this information, please skip this chapter! Don't worry, you will miss nothing!!

It's pretty clear that in this moment of silence between the two teenage boys, something needed to be addressed.

The other day, there was a girl who most definitely liked Evan. She ranted about he looked really cute and hot and is really kind and nice and would not stop ranting about how she actually likes him in a romantic way. Evan was flattered, but was subtly trying to hint that he was not interested in her whatsoever.

"But.. I like you! You're sweet and kind and overall an amazing person! Who wouldn't want to date you!!" She cries as she starts to get uncomfortably close to Evan. He kept slowly trying to back away from her since she was getting too close to him and he was uncomfortable. She continued to get closer until she finally pinned Evan on the wall. They were in the library, and nobody was in the library at the time except for Evan and this random girl that he doesn't even know.

"Hey, can you please leave me alone? I'm not comfortable with this at all!" He finally yelped. He was just getting more uncomfortable with the current position.

She got impatient. This was her chance.

And she took it.

She kissed Evan passionately, but he did not kiss her back or return any affection to the action. He started feeling so uncomfortable he started squirming, attempting to escape her but failed due to her holding his neck and waist tightly.

At this point, she did not care about whether he liked her back or not. She continued to kiss him but with more aggression and roughness. Evan squirmed more and more, beginning to cry from the panic.

She unbuttoned her school top and untied Evan's school tie. She pinned him tightly to the wall and carressed his abdomen with her hand, gradually going further down and down until she reached the crotch. He pushed back as much as he could in an instant in fear and panic.

She had forced herself upon him and he is uncomfortable with this action. Normally he would hurt a girl or any female ever, but in a situation such as this one, he can make very few exceptions. Violating his personal space and forcing herself on him are exceptions to his morals to him.

He tried to keep her away from him but failed as she just got closer and closer with a lustful look in her eyes. She felt pleased to have this chance with Evan, but Evan himself was wishing he were dead and never even born. He hated this more than any moment in his entire life.

She managed to get back over to him and she slid down her plaid school skirt down and tossed it aside. He kept trying to push her away, but she resisted it and kept fighting back. She reached him and forcefully ripped off his shirt, leaving him shirtless and incredibly scared for dear life.

She grinded her body against him uncomfortably and he cried out in panic and fear. She kissed him again and her tongue roamed his mouth while he cried and panicked. His mind was blank. He tried pushing her away, he tried telling her to leave him alone and now she has forced herself upon Evan.

He cried and cried as tears streamed down his face. He prayed and prayed to any God out there that someone will come along and help save him from this traumatic experience.

But to his surprise, his prayers came true.


I'm not too sure how I feel about this chapter. It has good structure to me, but the whole context of this story has now gone from wholesome and caring and sweet, to very dark and traumatic and very sh!tty.

I'm sorry to people who have experienced r@p3 and any form of gr00ming without consent and such. If you have experienced things such as this, I suggest you reach out to someone and if you have nobody to talk to at the moment, I'm always here and open for any talking <3

I'm told I have a very therapist like personality irl and is like the therapist but the "psycho" of the friend group sometimes 😅

What is your favourite colour/s?

(My) A:
Light pastel yellow and a neon magenta/red!


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