Chapter 38

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The cool air scrapes past my cheeks like phantom needles as I descend the stairs, further into the stone and shadow below the kingdom. My heart is a percussive boom against my ribs and the walls around me. I am grateful for the candles mounted to the walls along the hallways and down the staircases. My sword taps against my back as I move. The array of knives strapped to my belt rattle together. As I pass the solid dungeon door, I try to ignore the air wrenching from my lungs at the thought of Hera in there. Trapped and alone. Swathed in the shadows. The bombs in the rucksack rattle and clink against one another as I press on. Guilt chews through my gut. I shove the door open to the cavern. The wide expanse of emptiness greets me like a dark, sinister grin. The rhythmic drip, drip, drip of water somewhere in the shadows interrupts the otherwise still silence. A chill ripples down my spine.

I sweep my gaze through the room. There are long-since discarded shovels and buckets from the salt miners who stopped working hear following the death of the king. Piles of salt pepper the space. The distinct smell of mildew and rotting things hang in the air. As I press forward, I cannot help but crane my neck, staring at the charcoal stone ceiling. The section of earth that holds the palace. For a heart-stopping moment, I imagine the stone giving way, and the palace collapsing in on me, crushing me, giving me a cold, grave. A death in which no one would even hear me scream.

I reach the furthest wall and carefully place the rucksack on the floor. The wine bottle bombs roll out, one by one. Each one has a long piece of rope dangling from the neck of the bottle. I tie the three together, creating several groups of bombs. Then I unwind the longest section of rope, the one I will ignite, and attach it to the first group. Finally, I have an interconnected bomb section. A chain reaction awaits. I move around the cavern, placing the clusters of bombs right by the walls.

Finally, I trail the longest section of rope along the stone bridge path that cuts across the cavern, right to the door.

I pull out the flint from the rucksack.

Everything is booming in my ears. The silence. My heart. My thoughts. Can I really do this? Am I being selfish?

The flint glints in the single oil lamp, mocking me. Do it. This city is no longer a kingdom. It doesn't need a palace or a throne. It especially doesn't need a king.

Can the people live in harmony after this? Can we all just... govern ourselves and each other?

And where will I go?

There is a feeling, deep in my chest, that tells me I cannot stay here. This is no longer my home. It might be time to let the people move on without Elle Fallon meddling with everything. My people have endured enough of me for a lifetime. I feel the same way.

I draw in a shaky breath and glance at the ceiling one last time.

Then I strike the flinch. The flame jumps onto the rope at once. My heart jumps into my throat and I flee the cavern. My legs burn as I climb up the stairs and I count down for a minute. Knowing that's all I have left.

A strangled wail rips from the dungeon and my feet skid to a halt.

"Elle!" Hera bellows. "Is that you?"

I squeeze my eyes shut and take a step.

"Elle! Don't leave me! Please!"

Somehow, she knows that there's something going on.


I mutter a string of curses as my chest caves and I shove the door open, grabbing the key on the hook. "We need to move!" I say, wrenching her cell door open.

The siren plucks herself up, her dark hair a knotted mess. "What's happening?" Her molten gold eyes flash.

I grab her wrist and yank her to the door. "Come on!"

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