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"Mmm," Stilinski groaned, enjoying the taste of the burger he'd just bought, he reached into the bag hunting around for his fries and when he couldn't seem to find them he looked to his son confused, "did they forget my curly fries?"

"You're not supposed to eat fries, especially the curly ones," Stiles countered.

"Well, I'm carrying a lethal weapon. If I want the curly fries, I will have the curly fries."

"If you think getting rid of contractions in all your sentences makes your argument any more legitimate, you. are. wrong."



"Wake your sister up," Stilinski scoffed, and Stiles looked in the back where Julie was sprawled across the seat her mouth slightly ajar as she began to drool in her sleep. Stiles pulled his face in disgust. She'd been working since the early hours in the morning, and was due to go to work in the early hours of the next as well.

"I don't want to wake that up."


"Eugh, fine..." he scoffed before reaching over to shake her away.

"Huh? What?" Julie asked, bolting up, "I'm awake, I'm good..."

"Food," Stiles said as he shoved the bag of her food into her chest.

"Oh, thank god, I'm starving."

"Unit one, do you copy?"

Stiles went to grab onto the radio and Noah knocked his hand away with a huff, "...sorry," Stiles muttered.

"Unit one, copy."

"Got a report of a possible one-eight-seven..."

"A murder?!" Stiles exclaimed, his face lighting up in excitement.

"Oh but me wanting to cut off a limb is weird," Jules muttered.

"Wait, what?" Noah asked, but then waved his hand to gesture that they'd speak about it later, "Stay here. Paul, let's get this area locked up."

"Oh, no way..."


Both Jules and Stiles hovered near the scene as they watched their father do his job. He was currently stood with the ambulance and EMT's who'd been looking over both Jackson and Lydia.

"Why the hell can't I just go home? I'm fine." Jackson snapped, and Julie crossed her arms as she watched the display.

"I hear ya, but the EMT says you hit your head pretty hard. They just wanna make sure you don't have a concussion."

"What part of "I'm fine" are you having a problem grasping? Okay, I want to go home."

"And I understand that-"

"No, you don't understand that, which kind of blows my mind, since it should be a pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum-wage rent-a-cop like you! Okay, now, I want to go home!"

"God he's a bit of an ass isn't he," Jules muttered to Stiles.

"Tell me about - Oh, whoa! Is that a dead body?" He called out as a body was wheeled out.

"Stiles, shut up!" Jules urged, pulling him away from the barrier.

"Everybody back up. Back up." Noah called out.


"Two more months, two more months and then I get to start my residency," Julie grinned, as she looked over to Joe. He was equally excited, the pair had started at the same time. "I'm going to be a neurosurgeon," she added on, even more excited than she was mere seconds ago.

Meltdown [Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now