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As she got to the hospital, she passed off all the people to the trauma surgeons and the general surgeons offering her own recommendations based on what she'd seen at the scene. Scratching the back of her head, she looked around not knowing what to do with herself.

She'd froze.

Something had happened in front of her and instead of doing anything about it, she'd completely frozen. What would she have done anyway? It was a kanima who'd done it, a giant lizard who was going around killing people. What did they even look like? On the outside, in the day, or when they wanted to she supposed they looked completely human. Was it like that on the inside too? Where were the claws stored? Was there something that made them different so that they could change their entire structures? There had to be.

"What are you doing here?"

Turning around, confused, she found Joe who was rushing over to one of the patients. He'd barely even looked at them all before figuring out who needed seeing to first, "what... you?"

"They called all of general and trauma in," he explained, "you?"

"I was at the crime scene... I'm gonna..." she knew if she wanted any sleep at all before her next shift she was going to have to hog one of the on-call rooms, "Joe, can you show me the toxicology reports, any of them."

He looked at her confused, "why?" He asked, as they both walked in the direction of the trauma rooms so that they could get the patient sorted.

"I just need to see it, if it's anything in the drinks I need to make sure my brother didn't ingest any of it is all," she lied, and he looked at her confused.

"Right, course, you should get some sleep," he urged, and she nodded.

"See you tomorrow."


Updating one of the charts as she walked, Julie was heading to the next patient's room. She was on consent form duty again, and checking monitors so that she could ensure they were all fit for their surgeries and updating all of the charts.

It had been a day or two since the night club incident. She wasn't sure exactly, she'd been too tired and everything had been a blur to her. She couldn't stop thinking about it.

Everything had changed. All of the morals, all of the laws, all of the standards. You wouldn't hold a dog to a human's laws, so could you really hold a werewolf? With human aspects, there was still an aspect of another. They were supernatural creatures.

She didn't know what to think of it.

Yawning from the early hours, she went to check on the next patient when Joe went running past her. She looked at him confused, as he ignored all of the nurses telling him to stop running. Figuring he'd been called to a 911 or a trauma case (he'd started to turn his education in that direction after realising he had a knack for it), she chose to ignore it.

Humming a tune, she went back to her work.


"Hey, ready for lunch?" She asked, as she caught up to Joe. He'd just come out of a room where there was a deputy stood outside guarding. "What's going on there?" She asked, as they walked down the hallway to the cafeteria.

"Some woman got attacked in the woods," he said, his face pale. She looked over him confused.

"What else?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Joe, you look like you should be the one in a hospital bed," she pointed out, "you alright?"

Meltdown [Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now