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She'd taken them to Deaton first, he helped heal both Scott and Derek although his focus was on Scott. All of their focus was on Scott. Derek was an alpha, the chances of him healing just fine were far higher than the sixteen year olds. After that, she went to drop Derek off first.

The three sat in his depot for a moment, just catching their breath and coming to terms with their emotions.

"I'm saying we need a new plan, because next time, one of us is going to be too hurt to heal," Derek reminded, and Julie was leaning against one of the pillars her eyes closed.

"Ugh, I get it-- we can't save Jackson," Scott sighed, not liking the idea of it.

"We can't seem to kill him, either. I've seen a lot of things, Scott. I've never seen anything like this. Every new moon's just gonna make him stronger."

"But how do we stop him?" Scott asked.

"I don't know. I don't even know if we can."

"Maybe we should just let the Argents handle it..."

"Then the Argents will just kill him," Julie reminded, "we've still got to try." Although, she really didn't want to.

"I'm the one who turned him. It's my fault," Derek said, and Julie looked to him surprised. He really was trying to change.

"Yeah, but you didn't turn him into this! I mean, this happened because of something in his past, right?"

"That's a legend in a book. It's not that simple," Derek scoffed.

"What do you mean? What aren't you telling me?"

"Why do you think I'm always keeping something from you?"

"Because you always are keeping something from me!"

"Well, maybe I do it to protect you."

"Doesn't being part of your pack mean no more secrets?"

"Go home, Scott. Sleep. Heal. Make sure your friends are safe... 'Cause the full moon's coming, and with the way things are going, I've got a feeling it's gonna be a rough one."

"Come on, Scott, I want to go home myself," Juliette sighed, as she pushed herself up from the pillar.

She was in work in less than three hours.


"Not long left," Joe mused, and Julie glanced at him confused as she flicked through the charts. Her eyes focused on him toying with a stress ball. She'd never seen him with that in her life.

"What are you waffling on about?"

"We've only got a few weeks left," he repeated.

"'till what?"

Joe looked at her confused and startled, "what do you mean until what?"

"I don't have a clue what you're going on about," she admitted.

"The end of intern year. We've only got a few weeks left and then we're officially residents. I applied to be a trauma surgeon here."

She looked at him confused as she thought about it. She'd completely forgotten.

"Oh... wait, what? You sat there harassing me and bullying me because I picked here for my residency."

"Yeah, because you're doing neuro. If you want trauma cases, Beacon Hills is the best place to be," he reminded, and she hummed. "I mean just this morning multiple people came in with skull fractures, and unconscious from that warehouse district. You know where they have all the underground raves? I'm surprised none of them had bullet wounds with the amount they found surrounding them."

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