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She'd had a very long shower before work. Scrubbing off the scent of heated make-outs and a few alcoholic shots, she'd done her best to make herself presentable. Tying up her hair, she was about to grab onto the hair spray when she noticed something. Frowning, she leaned closer to the mirror to get a better look.

A relatively small bruise sat on her neck.

"Oh, you absolute ass," she hissed before grabbing onto her make-up kit for the second time that morning.

He'd slept round with her and crept out of the window and down the roof at early hours. Like two teenagers breaking all curfews and rules, it was exhilarating. She never understood the thrill of sneaking around, but she understood it now.

Once she'd done as much as she could to cover it, she walked out of the bathroom grabbing onto her bag and coat on her way to the stairs.

"You know how many vehicle collisions last year involved deer? Two hundred and forty-seven thousand," Stiles voice sounded, and she peered into his room confused.

He was sat at his desk doing his usual research whilst Noah was doing everything he could to try and urge Stiles away.

"Oh, God, please go to school..."

"But that's crossing the road- this one last night came right down the middle."

"You almost crashed into a deer?" Jules asked, holding onto the door frame so she wouldn't lose her balance.

"I'm not gonna beg you." Noah urged.

"Okay, good. I'm impervious to your influence, anyway."

"Would you consider a bribe?"

"You couldn't meet my price."


"You got nothing on me," Stiles shrugged.


"Not all the countless baby photos?" Jules droned, trying to offer an incentive.

"Already on dad's Facebook," Stiles dismissed as Noah walked behind Stiles. Grabbing onto his chair, he began to pull him away and Stiles remained trying to type, "Dad, what are you doing? What are you doing?" With one last movement, Stiles fell out of his chair and onto the floor with a yell.

"Well, I'll see you later," Julie urged, as she stepped away from the both so that she could go to work.


Clutching tightly at the clipboards, Julie entered the room nodding with a smile to the deputy that was stationed outside of the room.

Glancing at the patient, she immediately walked over to check the dressing. Pulling it back slightly, she sighed, "okay, that's visibly healing. Right in front of my eyes... if I was to stick a pen in this would it push it out or just heal around it?"

"Julie-" Isaac began, and she sighed.

"Yeah okay, well nobody can see this, now I mean nobody. As in you're going to get experimented on or they're going to get thrown in a psych ward and it's going to be terrible, really, really, really terr-"

"Cover it up then," Isaac quickly rushed, but she was too busy staring at it amazed.

"Yeah but, Isaac, you're scheduled for surgery. Which you know...they're obviously going to look at you and think why is this normal ass kid on my table... would anaesthetic even work on you?" She asked, glancing over at his face, "I mean you push toxins out faster than most so surely you'd wake up... a lot sooner..."

Meltdown [Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now