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Chapter 229

The second anniversary of TeStar's debut was planned to be held as a fan meeting. It was classic, but it was guaranteed to be fun.

And since the size of the venue was smaller than that of a concert, paid real-time streaming was also provided online so that there was a friendly feeling.

'It's obvious that illegal broadcasting will spread all over WeTube.'

It wasn't new. It'd get reported.

'Isn't it better to not broadcast online and fill up the tickets instead?'

And by figuring out the number of people paying to watch the fan meeting, we could see how much the popularity of this activity had been linked to the fandom.

If I ignored the voice of conscience for a moment, it'd be a disgrace to those who paid a fee even though they could watch it for free.

So, if I looked at the price versus time compared to the VOD...

'... After all, they have to pay for the concert.'

I had to stop thinking useless stuff about WeTube. I just needed to do my job well.

And fortunately, the fan meeting started smoothly.

-It has nothing to do with the weather forecast.

It's the day I want to meet you


A blue opening stage with countless colorful balloons floating into the sky.

The subtitle of the fan meeting, which started with "Picnic" light and bright, was "Daydream."

It could be seen that the English subtitle of the song, 'Nightmare', had been reversed.

'If there is a connection like this, there is a theme on the stage.'

Wouldn't it be fun to see that again?

And it would be conducted in a soft and warm atmosphere.

As there have been many incidents in the past year, we thought it would be okay to hold a fan meeting like this.

Overall, the concept was set in a fairytale-like atmosphere.

So, the talk and entertainment in the middle were quite... I tried to act cute, but I don't know.

It was because the route changed in the middle.

It was fine at the beginning.

"Hello, everyone!"

"Today is the anniversary of TeStar and Loviewer. 〈Tesversary〉! Thank you so much for coming."

"Let's have fun!"

The recent talk and post-it questions were almost the first fan meeting national rules, and the expected answers came out well.

Of course, the one who was the most confident started making additional comments.

Yes, it was Keun Sejin.

"Yes? 'Who has the most aegyo'? They have to see this! Come on, let's all prepare a little bit of aegyo~"

(TN: aegyo/애교: acting in a cute/babyish manner)

He was indulging in things that had not been agreed upon. He should be thankful that the fan meeting was live.

As soon as the camera came in, I shamelessly performed the recently popular aegyo in moderation.

There were screams heard everywhere... Could they even be considered normal screams?

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