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Chapter 277

It was 4:00 in the morning, and I was running down the apartment walkway with a dog ​​next to me.

"Woof woof!"

I didn't know how I ended up jogging with someone else's dog. That is, the dog of the bastard whom I did not welcome at all even though I met him after almost half a year.

I sighed and looked around.

"Kongi is running well. Good boy."

Obviously, the guy who said this was... It was Cheongryeo, who was sticking out of the fog.

'Damn it.'

I recalled how things had come to this.

The one who appeared was walking his dog in light sportswear.

- Every time I went for a walk, I only went to places where there were no people, so I was excited to see another person. I'm sorry if I surprised you.

And he was overly blunt. So I replied.

- I think you knew that it was me.

The answer to this doubt was as follows.

-A pink-haired guy walking nearby at dawn... Doesn't the pool of candidates narrow down considerably?

-... ...

-I can see the color even in the fog.

It was an explanation that couldn't be refuted. I groaned at the sight of my hair, wearing only a hat.

Of course, since it was 4 in the morning, I thought no one would be there.

As for why he was taking a walk here out of the blue, his words came out easily.

-I have something to do during the tour break, so... I'm living in the dorm again. And there aren't many people in this neighborhood at dawn.

It was true.

-I think you are here now for the same reason.

-... ...


To sum it up, it was just a coincidence that came about because we had similar situations because of our job.


I was about to admit the situation and leave quickly.

-Okay. Then...

- It looks like we're going the same way anyway, so why don't we walk together a bit? I think Kongi would start barking if you ran away.

-... ...

-It'd be a nuisance to hear that at this early hour. Isn't that right?

I noticed the yellow lump watching me while its paws were touching my feet. I reluctantly turned around...


I... didn't know how this dog managed to be owned by such a bastard.

'There are security cameras installed, so I don't think he'll do anything.'

I held my breath and started running down the trail at the original tempo.

The dog and its owner ran at the same speed next to me. We didn't say much while jogging.

However, the problem began after that.


"I already have some."

Near the end of the trail, I drank water from the prepared canteen. Cheongryeo fed his dog a snack.

"You should wear a beanie next time. Because it covers more of the hair color."

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