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Chapter 415

Kwon Heeseung had a rather creepy dream.

It was a strange configuration where some kind of alien created itself in virtual reality and was like an AI housekeeper.

In addition, there was a bizarre development in which all kinds of idol seniors appeared!

In the end, he woke up screaming in a place where the world collapsed in a spectacular way.


However, he had no idea it would be this loud.

Kwon Heeseung opened his eyes in a cold sweat so much so that the airplane seat was soaked.

"Huh, huh... ..."

"Are you okay?"

A hand holding a drink appeared in front of him. Without even having time to think, Kwon Heeseung grabbed it and brought it to his mouth.

Gulp, gulp.

As the cool, smooth, sweet drink went down his throat, a rush surged all the way to his head.

He felt like he was fully hydrated for the first time in hundreds of days.


He shook his head and finally came to his senses after emptying the entire liter of drink.

The person who handed him the energy drink was Park Moondae of TeStar, who was sitting across from him. Kwon Heeseung stuck out his tongue.

"Wow, really... Oh, maybe it's because I had a strange dream, but it feels like it's been a while since I've had a drink?"

"... ... Is that so?"

"Yes! I guess I had a nightmare. Well, it looks like there's something to do... ..."

Wait a minute. Now that he thought about it, why was he on a plane?

And the moment he made eye contact with VTIC's leader, the owner of the chartered plane, he remembered everything that had happened right before he fell asleep, as if seeing a flash.

The status window crashed.

Moondae hyung was vomiting.


"... ... Um, excuse me."

Kwon Heeseung asked while sweating profusely.

"It... It was a dream, right?"

"... ..."

Park Moondae made a strange expression while avoiding his gaze, which was rare, but soon answered with an expressionless expression.

"I think it's better to think of it as a dream."

"That means it was real...!?"

Kwon Heeseung held his face and screamed, but Park Moondae just kept his mouth shut.

This was because he roughly understood the situation.

'He chose not to remember the specifics.'

This was the choice Keundal gave him.

-Do you want to remember what happened here, or will you just forget it or vaguely remember it like a dream?

Kwon Heeseung must have chosen to treat it as a dream there. Park Moondae frowned inwardly, guessing clearly.

'... It must have been quite difficult.'

If so, compensation would be needed for Gold 2... who was Kwon Heeseung.

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