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Chapter 310

TeStar's concert started with the underwater view fully realized in the concert hall.

And what unfolded... It was an unexpected performance for a gamer who came to the concert with friends.


Usually, whether the subject was a singer or an idol, when she heard the word 'concert', there was a format she expected.

A performance in which the performer was in the center, presenting their own stage.

After mixing and distributing the hit songs and the latest songs, the order was adjusted so that the tension of the performance did not drop.

And in fact, TeStar had been doing such concerts up until now, so her friends gave her a similar explanation.

-There are many songs you know, so it will be fun haha

-That's right, and all the kids are really handsome and good at it. Ticket prices are unconditional! ㅠㅠ Cancellation is a waste!

But not now. Instead, this concert had a story.

[Slowly asleep

time tonight

I don't want to escape]

Through the dry ice, the elegant choreography brought from modern dance unfolded as if floating in the sea.

Selected as the first song, it was 'Midnight, and Next' arranged with a perfect orchestra.

It was a very unique choice.

This was because it was common for idols with a lot of hit songs over the years to skip songs from the beginning of their debut that were performed a lot as a medley at best.

However, TeStar used this song while arranging it.

Because this was the starting point of the narrative that would be shown in this performance.

[Songs and dreams

Forget everything, it's midnight here.

Your Midnight]

A boy drowning in the sea lingered in the past along with his dreams.

The mainspring turns, and the members sunk into the sea and experienced the past.

At the same time as the grandfather bell rang, announcing the end of 'Midnight and Next', the members lay down in the deep sea.


And the stage background naturally became a classroom.

As if in a dream, the lighting changes and became clearer.

The song that connected naturally was 'High Five'. A bright and cheerful rock sound that sang of cheerful youth!

The members who got up passed through a slightly disconnected interlude and ran around the stage with grins and a choreography of rolling their feet.

[My feet move

Faster and farther!]

The boy who went back to the past pursued his dream, fell in love, met enemies, and developed the strength to win.

In each context, TeStar's songs were woven into each one.

Of course, TeStar were idols, and the story was not as explicit as a real musical or opera.

However, the audience was able to fully understand the context through the lyrics, the atmosphere, and the VCR that appeared in between.

Especially if they didn't have a lot of background knowledge about TeStar!

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