Episode 17

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I run through the dimly lit streets, past flickering lights and dilapidated buildings to reach the Warehouse where Soraya is. I take cover behind the wall, peeking out to scout the area. It has high walls that are peeling in places, revealing the brickwork underneath, narrow windows, a large iron door as its entrance, and a roof that is missing a few tiles. Rundown but teeming with activity.

A group of guards wearing an assortment of clothing, from leather armor to only shirts in tatters and pants. Their weapons are all makeshift and improvised, with some carrying clubs or crude spears made by sharpening wooden sticks. "Arthur, we need a plan," Emrys stops behind me, bending over his knees as he breathes heavily.

"I am not letting her suffer another day in this place." I stare back at him, and he slowly straightens up to rest an arm on the wall, leaning his weight slightly against it.

"We're not barging in through the front door." Nana arrives with Mathilda in tow, their chests heaving with exhaustion. "Listen to me, Arthur, we're her only hope. We cannot fail." He turns to Mathilda as he protests; she is placing a hand over her heart before she lowers herself to sit on the ground. "Are you okay, Mathilda?" She nods softly with closed eyes, taking in deep breaths.

"We beat up Ben pretty good, but it took two of us." Emrys nods in agreement with Nana. "Who knows who else he has in there; the Assassin was pretty good. For all we know, there's more in there." Nana crosses her arms.

"She's right, Arthur. Remember the Misty Woods? We went in blind and nearly died." I turn to look at the Warehouse. Would Nazeer want to bring in his men to attack this place if he knew Soraya is here? Evander and Kenny might pitch in if I can assure them that this is a means to peace, to end Big Mouse's gang in a single stroke.

"You're right, we're going to need a plan and everyone's help." A smile breaks out on Emrys's face. "But what if it's just us? What if Nazeer wants no part of this? What if Evander and Kenny decide that it's better not to go to war?"

"Let me bring my arrows, and we win." He turns around to scan for high ground, pointing at it in the distance that is too far away. "We're going to need bait." He turns to look at Nana, who scoffs before smiling in disbelief. "Just an idea." He shrugs a shoulder.

"I saw a gambling den close by. What if I start a distraction there? Maybe some of the guards would run over to help out the place." Nana places a hand on her hips.

"It's on the other side of the church; my arrows won't reach it." Emrys waves away the idea.

"Two distractions would thin out their base; I will play bait as well. Lead them close to the church." Mathilda rises to her feet with an enthusiastic smile and tone.

"I have to admit, I didn't expect you to be the adventurous type." Nana looks at her with a playful smile. I'd like to believe she thinks of her as the little sister she lost lately. I think she's having a competition against Emrys as to who can get her to bed first. "Should we officially welcome her as a Firelight?"

"You guys head home; I've got friends to bring in for the fight." Another day of suffering but it will not go unpunished, it is not enough to break her out to only run and hide, when we go in tomorrow night it would not only be to rescue her. But to deliver swift vengeance for their role in this, there will be nothing left of them. A massacre.


I escort her home to the echoes of our own footsteps, the subtle smell of daisies lingering in the air from her perfume, and the chill of the night air as it breezes past. My heart wrenches as I steal a glance at her. Should I ask her? Do I dare to? Rather, do I have a right to?

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