Episode 19

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At the gate of a worn down warehouse, surrounded by people I can't really call friends, relationships built on a lie. Is this where I would die? Without any of my real friends and family knowing? To die as Mathilda, a woman who doesn't even exist? To be buried in an unknown grave, living and dying in obscurity? My eyes open to a grunt.

It is Emrys, blood trickling down his lips as he smiles, his arms wrapping around me as he turns himself into a human shield. But even as the spear does not reach me, my heart is piercing with pain, my eyes glistening as I hold back my tears. After the countless lies I tell myself, trying my best to bury my feelings they burst out of me in the worst possible way. "Why?" My voice shaky.

"Do you love me?" Tears escape my eyes, why is he such an idiot? Even if I keep denying it can he not see for himself? That even if we are not together I still love him? He gazes softly into my eyes, the life in his eyes flickering away as he stands at death's door.

"With my heart and soul." I assure him, wanting to comfort him in his last moments and he closes his eyes in a satisfied smile. "Emrys!" I clutch at him tightly, he lets out a chuckle before coughing, staining my face with blood and saliva. "Stay with me." I inhale deeply, trying to calm my racing heart.

"Get him out of here." I turn to Evander as he breaks the handle of the makeshift throwing spear, leaving only a short shaft still stuck on Emrys's back before turning his attention to the charging mercenaries, my legs tensing as I hold Emrys up. Thank God Evander caught the spear midflight, softening the impact and saving Emrys from certain death.

I grab his arm and places it around my neck, wrapping my arm around his waist as I help him walk away from the impending battle field. His weight leaning heavier and heavier on me as he weakens, my eyes darting from left to right to look out for any incoming stragglers left alive by Arthur.

I hide him behind stacks of wooden crates and barrels, lying him face down on the ground as I press my hands against his wounds. My stomach turning as my fingers are wet with red blood, sweats breaking out of my forehead as the air heats up around me. It's Cooper all over again my head hang low as my eyes shut tight.

I inhale sharply, eyes wide with renewed focus. He will not die here today, not because of me. I reach for the knife hanging on his belt, pulling it out of sheath and using it to cut off both sleeves of my white dress shirt. Tying them together before I take off my black waist coat, cutting them out and rolling the cloth into a ring.

I put the ring cloth into the broken shard, then wrap the combined sleeves around the wound, lining them over and under his armpit before tightening them together into a tight knot. I press my hands against his wound to add more pressure to stop the bleeding. "You're going to be alright, Emrys."

He turns over to look at me, lying his head on my lap with a satisfied smile on his face. "I wouldn't mind dying in your arms, atleast I get to die looking at the person I love most."

"Don't be ridiculous." To die in my arms? To die because of me. I can't live with that, I won't have it, no one else will die because of me. "Stay here, I need to help them." I pick his head up, gently placing it down on the ground as I rise to my feet. There are three of them against a dozen mercenaries, and Ben.

I reach for my baton, flicking my wrist to extend out its metal and approach the fighting. Evander catches Ben with a straight to the jaw, and he lifts him up and over his back facing up. My eyes wide in horror, wincing and turning away as he uses all his strength to snap Ben's spine into two. A thudding sound and I look back to see Ben lying on the ground lifelessly.

Damien slams a club to one of the mercenaries face, crushing it. And Kenny catches one in an arm lock, stabbing relentlessly against his chest in a quick succession. The others scatter away in fear and they turn towards me, or rather the Warehouse. "Stay with Emrys, we will help Arthur." Evander charges into the Warehouse with Kenny and Damien in tow.

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