Episode 18

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A two-story building, seemingly abandoned and weathered by time, its dimly lit lantern barely lighting up the entrance. I approach it, and the men sitting on the ground stare. Two pieces of dice clatter as they roll on the ground to reveal two sixes. I push open the door to see a casual inn, a facade of normal business when there is no need for it. It's not like enforcers bother coming out here. "A lamb walking into the lion's den."

I make my way towards the bar, listening in on the noises from upstairs where they hold their bets and games. "A glass of wine." The bartender glances behind me as if waiting for orders, then puts down two empty glasses on the counter before pouring wine into them. I pick up the glass, and a man sits beside me, brushing my hair over my ear with his fingers. "I am guessing the drink's on you?"

He smiles wickedly. "Everything's on the house for someone like you." His small green eyes study me from top to bottom in a predatory gaze. He is wearing a white silk shirt under his black waistcoat, the way rich merchants do, but he behaves as lowly as a common tavern creep. Just like Junior said he would. "Never seen you around before."

I gulp down the glass of wine, calming my nerves somewhat. "I just moved here, right across the street." He turns to look at the building across, a worn-down apartment where I saw a woman earlier picking up random men into the building to earn a living. "Won't be staying long though." He turns as the door opens but pays no mind to Miche as he takes a seat at one of the empty tables.

"I don't judge women on how they earn their coins." He takes out a pack of cigarettes before lighting one, taking it in deeply before puffing smoke my way. "Do you smoke?" He offers the cigarette in his hand.

"Pour me all the drinks you want, and you still won't find me in your bed." I turn to face him, offering an open palm, and he takes out a fresh cigarette from the box. But he does not hand it over to me. I lean forward and part my lips as he places it between them, lighting it up before he puts away the lighter and pulls out a knife from the same pocket.

"Would this get you into bed?" He smiles.

I suck at the cigarette before flicking it away with my fingers, and it lands in his glass of wine with a brief sizzle and a subtle wisp of steam. "I don't get scared easily." Smoke puffs out of my lips as I get off my seat to walk away, but he places the tip of his knife on my chest with a wicked smile. I turn my body sideways with a step, shoving his hand away and holding it by the wrist as I rotate on the ball of my feet, extending my elbow out at the end of it and landing it on his jaw with a crack.

He falls off his seat, his head crashing against the stool I was sitting on with a thud before he falls to the wooden floor, his knife clanging against it. One of his thugs rises from his seat, but I lunge for him, lifting my knee up and slamming my heel against his face. His head whips back before he drops to the floor as well. I stare down the rest of the table as silence hangs in the air. "Anyone else?" My tone playful as I raise a brow.

Then a big man in a tank top stands up, bald with a lot of piercings on his face, pulling his shoulders back. Chin down, eyes staring intently with a frown. I run a hand through my hair with a smirk before taking gentle steps towards him. He is almost as big as Ben and half as intimidating; it will be easy work. He takes off his tank top, and as he is throwing it off to the side, I rush forward.

My kick lands on his stomach, and he staggers back with a smile, seemingly unaffected. He lunges forward, and I drive another kick straight down the pipe; he braces for it, and I stagger back from the impact of my own kick, and a smile escapes me. He is tough but a fool. 

He takes his first swing, my eyes wide in surprise; he is faster than he looks. My arms raise to block, but the blow sends me off balance, though I regain my footing swiftly. He swings another hook, but I duck under it, his punch glancing over my head as it misses, and I ram an elbow against the side of his face as I rise up, sending him reeling off to the side.

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