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After a long drive, the gang arrived at the penthouse.

they were tired and only wanted a good sleep after a long day of working.

Jisung:"Bangchan-hyung, I was wondering where my room could be?"

The boss turns around to Jisung. he totally forgot that he was a member of them now.

Bangchan:"shit, I'm very sorry, I totally forgot but look at the bright side *raising his both arms up* this is a penthouse! and you can choose whatever empty room you want"

With that being said the boss left Jisung behind and went straight to his room.

Jisung:"but I don't know the way around this castle"

He looked left then right, he pouted when he didn't find Minho around.

Jisung waited at the entrance for almost half an hour and after that, Changbin and IN stepped into the penthouse.

Jisung finds it as an opportunity to go to Changbin and ask him when he could find a room to sleep the night.

Changbin:"yes I'll lead you to one of the empty rooms... Come follow me"

They walked around for ten minutes then arrived at the door and then the older brought out the key and unlocked the door for him.

Jisung:"thank you so much, I'll never forget your kindness hyung"

The hyung smiled at him as he nod and waved at him on his way leaving that floor.

Jisung opened the door and went in, walking around the massive room with a chandelier and king size bed just the same room as he was kidnapped that day.

He threw himself on the bed and felt the soft sheets and smelled the good scent.

Jisung:"if I knew I would get a room like this, I would have come here a long time ago"

He was talking to himself not noticing the other person coming out from the shower with only a towel around his torso.

"What are you doing in my room?"

Jisung jumped surprised by the sudden voice who knows very well who does belong and turns around to face that person.

Jisung(checking him out):"wahh-*whistle* That's a good view to watch, ten out of ten *thumbs up* that body is PERFECT bro"

He received a pillow right on his face from the other person after saying that.

That person turned out to be (obviously) Minho who was still staring at Jisung with instant eyes.

Minho:"GET OUT! This is my room...go find another one"

Jisung didn't budge from his place and kept looking at Minho with a sly smile.

Minho felt embarrassed standing with only a towel in front of Jisung. he only wants him to get out so he can change in peace.

Jisung:"make me"

That it! Minho went there and was about to lift Jisung but the younger grabbed him and pulled him on top of him... So now Minho was on top of Jisung caging him with his both arms while the younger has his hands on top of the older's shoulders.

Minho:"why are you acting like this...I'm tired I want to sleep"

Minho was about to escape from his hold but Jisung just pulled him close to him again.

Jisung:"I don't want to sleep in this new big place tonight alone...can't i sleep together with you? You're the only one here I can feel safe with"

Minho stayed silent admiring Jisung's eyes, nose, lips, and cheeks and just after some time passed he then spoke.

Minho:"let me go change first and I'll be back to you in five"

The younger felt happy he didn't get rejected so he let out Minho and saw him going to another room who bet that was the changing room.

Just after five minutes, Minho came out from the room with black loose tee and loose pants and when he looked towards the bed he found Jisung was already under the bed's blanket waiting for him. He smiled at the view then went under the sheets with his tonight-bedmate.

Minho:"you're enjoying this aren't you?"

Jisung:"of course!! Who wouldn't want to share the same bed with a hottie like you"

Okay... That was too straightforward.

Minho just coughed at his excuse.

Jisung:"wanna cuddle with me?"

Now that took Minho by surprise but he tried to keep calm and who's he to refuse that.

Minho:"yeah, who wouldn't want to cuddle with a cutie like you"

Straightforward 𝕏𝟚

It was like a war between them and Jisung loved that Minho was-

Minho(under his mouth):"ohh s*it that was so embarrassing *put hands on his face* why did I say that... I'm an idiot..ahhhh"

Now that something Jisung finds interesting and cute about Minho and he couldn't stop smiling at him.

He was just like another shy tsundere.

Jisung:"I think we should skip the cuddle part to another time"

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