Chapter Seven

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"Jisung, you're burning a hole in the side of my head," Minho hummed as they drove through the city. "What is it?"

Jisung didn't answer for a second, his voice tangled up with his thoughts. "I just don't understand you."

"No one does, so?" Minho said, his lips quirking up.

"You kept Nightfield from burning down, you obviously have a lot of connections all on your own, and then you just took control of the Assembly so easily. How have you managed it all?"

Minho shrugged. "You mostly know where I came from, so you could say I learned a thing or two and turned those skills around to benefit me."

Jisung noticed the way he avoided talking about the organization from their past and he didn't ask any further questions. It seemed Minho wanted to keep that from his men. "Well you seem pleased, I'm assuming everything went according to plan?"

"It did, actually. The game is set and I can finally start moving the pieces I've gathered."

"Do I even want to know what you're up to?"

"Perhaps not."

"I thought so."

"It will all come to light eventually. I may not want that to happen, but I'm sure it will." Minho sighed, running his hand through his hair as he laid his head back against the seat.

Jisung watched the movement, unaware of what he was doing. He caught himself a second later and glanced away. Minho was a handsome man, there was no denying that, but he didn't need to stare at him. "I'm guessing I'm still your prisoner despite everything going your way?"

"You were the first thing I wanted and I got it, so yes, you're still stuck with me." Minho loosened his tie as he looked at him with a small smile. "Sorry to disappoint."

Jisung swallowed, cursing himself for looking too closely again. "Hypothetically, if you were to let me go, what would happen?"



"Hmm." Minho tilted his head, eyes narrowing ever so slightly. "Well, you would run off and probably try to escape this whole mess of a life we call the mafia. But something would stop you and you would be trapped forever. Hypothetically."

Jisung stared at him. "Do you really think I'm so weak and stupid?"

"Quite the opposite, actually. I'm worried you'll slip away right under my nose and I won't notice until it's too late. You're quite the threat, Han Jisung. It's why I'm being so careful."

"So I could kill you right now."

The two guards immediately had their hands on their weapons, ready to pounce.

Without looking away, Minho held his hand up, stopping them as he smirked. "I'd like to see you try."

"Are you challenging me right now?"

"And if I am?"

I'll take you up on that challenge."

Minho was grinning now. "Let's kill each other over dinner."


"Sounds delicious."

Jisung caught himself smiling, and he looked away like a coward. What the hell am I doing? This is Lee Minho, I'm supposed to hate him.

Minho chuckled at the sudden lack of response. "I hope you don't stand me up. I'll be very disappointed."

"I'm a man of my word."

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