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*One year later*

"A year ago today, you told me you loved me for the first time."

Jisung blushed but he smiled. "I think it took too long for me to say it," he said, linking his arm with Minho's and resting his head on his shoulder.

Minho ran his fingers through Jisung's recently dyed brown hair. "No, you took the right amount of time. I did kidnap you, after all. We had a lot to work through."

The fire in front of them crackled softly, backed by a beautiful lakeside beach and a rose gold sunset. After several stressful missions in a row, the couple decided to take a week-long vacation away from the world, as they often liked to do, and they were quickly realizing how much they needed this peace.

Jisung turned his head to glance up at Minho. "I can't believe we reconnected over two years ago. It feels like it just happened."

"Isn't there a saying that time is non-existent when you're in love?"

"I wouldn't know, I'm not nerdy like you." Jisung teased, poking his boyfriend's cheek.

Minho jerked his head away in mock disgust. "If I'm a 'nerd' as you say, then you need to stop denying that you're into nerds."

Jisung sat up, turning on the blanket they sat on so he was facing Minho directly. "I'm not into nerds," he stated seriously. Then he smiled as Minho frowned. "Only one," he cupped his face in his hands, "which happens to be you."

Minho clearly tried fighting his smile down, but he lost the battle very quickly. "That was cheesy."

Jisung leaned closer. "But you love me anyway."

"I do. Very much." Minho pecked him on the lips and laughed when Jisung grumbled from the barely there kiss. "You're such an adorable brat."

"What have we said about calling me a brat?"

Minho smirked. "You're only a brat when you want me to take all the control."

Jisung smacked his arm. "Lee Minho, I swear-"

"I'm kidding love," Minho chuckled as he caught his wrist. "Although, I think we both know that's true."

A subtle shade of pink dusted Jisung's cheeks, but he grinned. "So do I need to be a brat to get a proper kiss?"

"No, but you do need to be patient. I chose to come out here with you at this time for a reason."

"Is it because Seungmin and Eui are finally dating and you're tired of the PDA?"

"No, although I am a little tired of it. You finally said 'I love you' a year ago, and... I just so happened to escape Chimera the first time a few years ago today too."

Jisung's eyes widened. "Today? Those events really line up like that?"

Minho nodded. "I actually didn't realize it until I was planning this vacation." He reached into the pocket of the jacket he wore. "I know we go on these trips a lot, but I was debating on whether I should go bigger and fancier for this particular trip... but this just feels right."

Jisung went completely still as Minho pulled out a small silver box. Butterflies fluttered around him as he met his partner's dark eyes. Oh shit.

"Nine years ago, I met an angel in hell. Together we were able to grow through and eventually overcome the oppressive darkness that pressed in all around us." Minho took a deep, steadying breath and opened the box to reveal a silver band, engraved with small carnations. "Han Jisung, my light, my love, will you accept my many flaws and marry me?"

Years of beautiful memories flashed through Jisung's eyes in a matter of seconds and he had to remind himself how to breathe. Chest tight but heart soaring, he beamed. "Yes," he breathed, "yes a thousand times over." He couldn't restrain himself any longer, and he tackled Minho to the ground in a bear hug.

Minho laughed, both in relief and joy as he wrapped his arms around his love. Jisung kissed him softly, and warmth settled over them despite the cool night as their lips melded together perfectly. Minho's fingers traveled under Jisung's shirt, just barely gracing his lower stomach.

Just as Minho was wanting, Jisung gasped slightly, and Minho pulled him under complete control. He lightly tugged his hair as the kiss went from sweet and soft to heated and passionate.

Jisung pushed himself up a little, gazing down at Minho with heavy-lidded eyes. He was panting ever so slightly as he murmured, "You're such a brute."

Minho chuckled, his eyes glued to Jisung's lips. "That's the least romantic thing you could have said after getting proposed to."

"I'm getting you back for asking if I was working out when you came back from the dead."

"So we're even now, love."

Jisung kissed him again, and when they pulled apart again, Minho smirked.

"Wanna take this inside?" he murmured.

Jisung returned the mischievous look. "Last one inside gets to clean up the mess we made while making dinner." He rolled to his feet and took off running toward the cabin.

"Hey!" Minho yelled, quickly getting to his feet. "You cheated, get back here!"

Jisung laughed. "Don't lose my ring!" he called over his shoulder.

Minho was already tucking the box into his pocket as he ran after Jisung. "You'll pay for this, brat!"

"Prove it!" Jisung disappeared into the cabin, and Minho grinned. 

"Challenge accepted."

The End

----------------------- breathe in, breathe out. scream if you need to. I am so proud of this book, and I truly hope y'all enjoyed it as much as I did. This all happened within two months and it was so fun to write. 

I do have another account on here that I'll be posting all my other Minsung stories cause I got addicted to writing these two into different universes. The account is allisung111  if you wanna check it out :)

Also with the other Minsung stories, they will have smut if that interests you lol


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