Chapter Seventeen

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* this song was on repeat when I wrote this chapter. If you want, listen to it :). 

*(if its not showing it's cause wattpad is trippin, but it's We are People- detroit become human

*TW gun violence

"Okay, what's wrong with you?"

Jisung's gaze snapped from the rainy window as he brought his attention back to the underboss in front of him. "Huh? What? Nothing's wrong."


"It's the truth. I'm just... distracted."

Jisung and Minho had spent the past two days together, living much the same way they did before, although they were more affectionate and stole kisses every now and then. They decided to let things flow naturally between them, and the natural flow was... well, slow. Everything was uncertain save for the fact they cared for each other.

Now that Jisung was no longer as sore and they'd had a few days together, Minho had finally dragged himself back to reality, which led to Seungmin sitting here playing games with Jisung once again.

"You didn't fight with Minho, did you?"

Jisung smirked. He had, in fact, fought with Minho, and it had led to an extraordinary night. "We trained, but no, we didn't have a fight."

Seungmin's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized Jisung. "Okay, so you two finally banged."

Jisung gave him a flat, unamused look. "Do you really have to put it so bluntly? Besides, calling it banging should be reserved for one night stands, or something like that."

"You didn't say no. You and Minho actually-"

"Yes! Do we really need to chat about it over cards?" Jisung was blushing, not out of awkwardness or avoidance, but from slight embarrassment. They were talking about something private, after all.

Seungmin dipped his head slightly. "I'm sorry. You've been in another world since I showed up, so I just wanted to know what was up. Are you worried about him, or are you just missing him?"

Jisung's mouth quirked up at the innocent question. "A bit of both. And I'm also sorry for being so distracted. I'm the one that wanted to play cards."

"I'm not worried about it. If you ever need to talk to someone about it aside from Minho, I'm available as long as you're not talking about you bedroom life."

Jisung laughed. "Don't worry, I like to keep the juicy details all to myself, so you won't hear about any of that. If you do, you'll hear it from Minho and you won't be able to do anything about it since he's your boss."

"I guess I could learn to cope." Seungmin grabbed the pile of cards he'd apparently set face down on the table, but he suddenly went stiff, stopping his movements completely.

Jisung raised an eyebrow. "You okay?"

Seungmin held a finger up, his eyes focused elsewhere as he seemed to listen for something. The back of Jisung's neck prickled as the feeling of being watched crept up his spine. He felt like this just before the Yuns attacked him.

"We need to leave," Seungmin whispered. "Get that duffel bag, move quietly, and get low. I'll turn off some lights."

Jisung believed in 'better safe than sorry', so he followed the instructions silently. Once all the lights were out, he peered out a small window, scanning the misty forest surrounding them. He couldn't see anything immediately out of place, but he trusted his gut, and his gut was saying everything was wrong.

Seungmin obviously felt the same way. "Arm yourself, we might have to make a run for the car."

Jisung grabbed the handgun that sat on top of the bag before closing it and tossing it over his shoulder. Anxious anticipation and adrenaline coiled in his limbs tightly as he followed the underboss over to the door. They nodded at each other, Seungmin threw the door open, and they took off down the hill at full speed.

Feathers and CarnationsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ