Childhood memories

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You must have come early so you sat alone in the class. You plugged earbuds in your ears, that are playing soft music. You humm softly as you scribble in your notebook.

Jimin also comes to class early, so when he sees you sitting, he smiles and sits next to you. When you feel movement next to you, you look in that direction.

Jimin waves you hello and points your ear.

You remove a earbud from one ear and say, "Hello Jimin!" and smile.

Jimin says hello to you with a smile and says "What song are you listening to?"

" it's ' promise by BTS jimin ' " You tell and offer him a earbud.

Jimin takes the earbud and playfully says, "If the artist's name is Jimin, then the song must be very good."

You just roll your eyes at his remark and point to put the earbud in his ears while smiling.

You and Jimin are on your way to the cafeteria. You're rambling to Jimin how chocolate ice cream is the best ice cream in the world and the mint flavor tastes like frozen toothpaste. Jimin listens to you without saying anything, he laughs softly when your nose crinkled at the mention of mint flavor. He stares at your face as your eyes sparkle at the mention of chocolate And you don't know anything about his staring. You are talking about ice-cream flavor as if it is the most important thing in the world.

Suddenly you turn towards Jimin and make eye contact with him. Jimin becomes nervous from your intense eye contact and shifts his weight from one leg to the other.

You narrow your eyes at him and say, "Are you even listening to what I'm saying?"

" Yes-Yes ! "I am listening," Jimin says with a nervous smile.

You cross your arms and ask, "Okay, what did I just say to you?"

" You said - You said" Jimin stumbles with his tongue

" Leave it! how is jin-shi?" you ask.

" Jin hyung, he is fine now, his fever is gone." jimin tells you.

You node your head and go inside the cafeteria. As you are about to go at the far table, Jimin says, "Why don't you sit with us today? With this we will also discuss about the project."

you think for a while and then agree. The two of you make your way to his table where everyone is sitting, Expect Jin.

" Angry bird! You here?" Taehyung says surprised and gets up from his chair to hug you.

As soon as he's about to hug you, you push him by placing your finger on his forehead saying, "Personal space please."

"Rude" Taehyung says with a pout and goes to hug Jimin.

Jimin also imitates your action and sits on the chair, leaving Taehyung behind.

Taehyung mutters "RUDES" under his breath and hugs Jungkook who doesn't care and keeps eating.

" Y/n! How are you here? " Yoongi asks.

Namjoon nudges Yoongi with his elbow and says that is rude to ask like that. You shook your head in a no problem gesture.

" Jimin said that if we sit together we can discuss the project." You said and sat in the chair next to Hoseok.

You turn to Hoseok and ask, “What time do I have dance class? I forgot to ask in my hurry that day."

" Oh! "3pm to 5pm" Hoseok says.

" "Y/N have you joined the dance club?" Jungkook asks you.

You say yes and start eating your lunch. Jungkook tells you that Hoseok may always be smiling but he's very strict in dance class. He also tells that only sometimes he also comes to the dance club because he has to go to Taekondo class.

"Y/n?" You hear a familiar voice and turn to see Chae-won standing with a lunch tray in hand.

She comes to your table and asks "What are you doing here? I was waiting for you at our table for so long."

You apologize to her and tell her you're making a group project with Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. She understands and says to text her next time.She is about to leave your table but you stop her and ask the boys if she can sit with you. They agrees and you make chae-won sit with you.

" Hello everyone, I am Chae-won. Me and y/n are best friends since childhood. Chae-won introduce herself.

After eating food you start discussing the project. Jimin tells that he has got information about many old places from the internet which has now changed. Taehyung tells that he knows a very good location where we can do a photoshoot. You all agree to go to the location after university.

After the discussions are over, you and Chae-won say bye to everyone and go to the other side of the campus.

While walking Chae-won stops you in the middle of the way and asks " Come on, tell me what's going on between you and that popular boys?."

" What? Nothing is going on between us. I told you I was there because of my group project." you say matter-of-fact.

Chae-won rolls her eyes and says “Don't tell me! You didn't notice how they were looking at you."

" what are you saying?" you speak with a confused face.

Chae-won shakes her head and says "You're always like this, I feel bad for those boys" With this she leaves you and moves ahead.

" Hey! don't leave me." you run after her shouting.

After university you four meet at a café to go to the location. All four of you sit in the car and go to the location, Taehyung doesn't tell you three anything about the place, saying that it's a surprise.

When you arrive, you will see an old amusement park that is now closed. Taehyung goes and turns on the lights. It looks very nice as if the rides can still go.

You ask Taehyung how he always finds such beautiful places, first the university greenhouse and now this amusement park.

" It's a secret. " Taehyung answers your question and winks.

You four start exploring all places. Jungkook takes some photos of the place and asks Taehyung to be model.

You have looked at the amusement park with interested eyes. You loved amusement park since childhood but your mom and dad always busy with their work so you came with aunty Choi.

when you were little seeing the children enjoying around sitting on their dad's shoulder, you also want to coming to the amusement park with your dad.

When you were looking around, Jungkook sees you. You are looking at everything with intrest. He sees that you are looking at the place Like a child looking at their favorite thing. Jungkook smiles at you and takes your photo.

" This photo of your will go in my golden closet" jungkook thinks smiling at the photo.

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