Where is she?

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You entered the university hall and went to the locker. You were arranging your books in the locker when a hand hung on my shoulder.You turned and saw Jungkook standing next to you  with flashing his bunny smile.

" Holy cow!! Don't scare me like that!! " You said, hitting Jungkook lightly in the chest. He just passed me another smile and tightened his arm around my neck.

Jimin comes over and frees you from Jungkook's grip "Hey! Don't bother y/n." He spoke slapping jungkook's hand away from you.

You said a small thank you to Jimin closing your locker and turned towards them.

Taehyung comes forward and gives you a side hug " Good morning."

In these days you have come to know one thing about Taehyung that he's Likes to hug people with whom he is comfortable with.

" Morning" You replied and pat his back.

You could hear some people murmuring but you just ignored them and started walking toward class.

All four of you entered the class and sat in your seats.You saw that Mi-cha's seat was vacant even today.

You frown and turn towards the jimin. " Have you seen Mi-cha somewhere?" You asked.

" Mi-cha? She hasn't attended class for the last 3-4 days." Jimin tells and takes out his notes from the bag.

Hearing your words, Taehyung turns back and says, “I saw her today on campus, she seemed a little upset. I tried to ask her but she walked away without saying anything."

You check your phone and see that Mi-cha hasn't responded to any of your texts. You are worried about her so you try to call her but like before, your call goes to voice message.

You are about to get up from your seat and go looking for her when the teacher comes into the class.

You sit back in your seat and think."I'll go look for her at lunch."

It's lunch time and you get out of class and tell the boys that you'll meet them later in the cafeteria.

You look for Mi-cha everywhere, outside on the ground, in the library, and even on the rooftop, but she is nowhere to be found.

You give up and go to the cafeteria where boys and chae-won are waiting for you.

" Y/n!! Here" Chae-won waves her hand when she sees you enter the cafeteria.

You sit next to Namjoon and start eating your food, feeling a little upset.

" Y/N are you okay? You look sad." Namjoon asks looking at you. You smile at him and tell him that you're fine.

Namjoon looks at you for a while, not convinced, but lets it go.

"Y/N where were you in such a hurry after class?" Jungkook asks you and take a bite of food.

You swallow the food and answered " Oh! Nothing, I had to return some books to the library so I was in a hurry."

Everyone on table and started chit - chatting as you zone out most of the time. Mi-cha was your first real friend after Chae-Won, so you were worried about her.

You were mindlessly playing with your food when you heard your name.

" Y/n! Y/n!" Taehyung calls your name, bringing you back to reality.

" Huh?" You look at him and blink questioningly.

Everyone at the table looks at you with done expressions.

Chae-won says before someone else can speak " Y/N Taehyung asking if you would like to come watch their football match today."

" Sure" You speak without thinking.

Makna Line gives you a wide smile on your answer And they starts saying that they will show you how to score a goal.

you just noded with what they say. Chae-won clears her throat next to you and tucks her locks behind her ears "Can I come too?" She asks, looking at the Maknea line with hopeful eyes.

They agreed because anyone can come to watch the match. When you looked at the time, your next class was about to begin, so you said bye to everyone and got up from the chair. Seokjin also get up with you because he had the same class, so he went with you.

You both reached the class and sat in your seats.
Today the teacher was absent so the substitute teacher asked the class to do anything, expect chaos.

Everyone was either using phones or talking in class. You were feeling sleepy, so you put your earbuds in your ears, play soft music, rest your head on the window and close your eyes. Seokjin was sitting next to you, who was using his phone. He turns towards you when he hears someone softly snoring.

Your mouth was slightly open and your head keeps slipping through the window glass. Seokjin laughs softly at you and takes a photo of you with his phone. He kept his phone aside and gently placed your head on his shoulder, taking care not to wake you up. You move your head to get comfortable in his shoulder and hug his arm. Seokjin freezes for a while then relaxes and places his head on top of yours closing his eyes.

After some time you felt that someone was shaking you, you opened your eyes and saw that it was Seokjin. You noticed your head was on his shoulder so you quickly raised your head and accidentally bumped your head into Seokjin's.

" Ouch! What are you doing y/n?" Seokjin said while rubbing his forehead.

You shook your head and stood up from your seat.

Today's football match was good. As Usual Boys team won. Chae-won was cheering so loudly next to you for boys that you felt your eardrums burst. since Maknea Line won, everyone thought it would be good to have Korean barbeque to celebrate their victory.

After that you parted ways with Chae-Won and started walking towards your home.

" You saw how I scored the last goal Y/N" Taehyung asks coming up next to you.

You nodded and you all started talking among yourself, as you were talking you saw Mi-cha leaving the medical store and she turned into an alley.

You ran after her " Mi-cha!!" You shouted. all the boys also ran after you

You caught hold of her and asked her, "Mi-cha, where were you these days? You know how worried I was for you."

You noticed her appearance. Dark circles had appeared under her eyes, her eyes were swollen as if she had cried several times.

" What happened?" You got worried and ask, then a medicine bottle accidentally falls from her bag. You bend over and pick it up. It says 'abortion pills.'

You hold Mi-cha's shoulders and ask her, "Are you pregnant?"

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