Royal Court

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Daemon Targaryen

The Red Keep, King's Landing: 112 AC

Daemon lands Caraxes in the middle of the courtyard, jumping down. He offered a hand to Asteria's wet-nurse, Lady Dahlia Stone, the paternal bastard half sister of Rhea, helping her down Caraxes.

"Thank you, Prince Daemon." Dahlia said, giving him a nod. Daemon had been impressed with Dahlia the moment he had meet her. She had not tolerated his shit and sternly said that her loyalty was to his daughter, and no one else.

Dahlia had black hair, tanned skin, and dark brown eyes like many members of House Royce. She truly did reassemble Rhea, but with the maternal warmth Rhea lacked.

Selarion let out a low croon before taking off, Caraxes following. "Come." Daemon said and entered the castle.

The courtiers parted ways for him and Dahlia. Daemon opened the doors to the Iron Throne and found Viserys holding court, with Rhaenyra sitting in.

Cousin Rhaenys and her children where there as well. The Rogue Prince gave his signature Cheshire Cat grin.

"Brother." Viserys said. "Welcome back." his brother blinked when he saw Asteria in Dahlia's arms. "And who is this?"

"Brother, may I introduce the newest member of our family." he said dramatically, gently taking Asteria from Dahlia "My daughter and firstborn, Princess Asteria Targaryen."

Whispers broke out instantly but Daemon watched his family's reactions. Rhaenys gave him a soft smile, as did Rhaenyra. Viserys beamed and walked down the Iron Throne, approaching him.

"She is Selarion's bonded. My dragon's daughter for my firstborn seemed only fit." Daemon murmured. "She was born under a blood moon as well."

"A good omen, brother." Viserys said. "Oh she's going to be a great beauty one day."

"I shall teach her how to handle all the boys." Rhaenyra chirped. Asteria squealed and made grabby hands for Rhaenyra. "Congratulations Uncle. I shall be the best big sister she needs."

"Thank you." Daemon said.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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