Betrothal Proposals

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Asteria Targaryen

Daemon's Solar, Maegor's Holdfast, the Red Keep, King's Landing: 130 AC

"Betrothals?" Asteria asked, her heart dropping. She knew, logically, that most women in the royal family had to marry for the sake of marriage alliances.

But that was the main line. She had been hoping as the daughter of a second son, she would not have to marry.

But as she caught her reflection in the mirror, she internally grimaced. She knew how she looked, and that she had grown into a beauty despite her internal denial over it.

At eighteen, Asteria had become one of the many beauties of House Targaryen. She had long white-gold hair that fell to her waist in light waves, almond shaped amethyst purple eyes, and blemish free fair skin. Her body was willowy, lean and toned from years of archery yet not overly so. To her despair, she had acquired a curvy figure and well formed breasts.

Which most likely explained the several lordlings vying for her hand despite her status as the daughter of a second son.

(Asteria also knew it was because of the royal blood she would bring into the marriage, the blood needed to tame and claim a dragon.)

Her father looked equally unhappy. 

While he was fine with Baela's betrothal to Lucerys—Helaena had been betrothed to Jace—, that was because he knew Lucerys and Driftmark was close to the royal court and Dragonstone. Rhaena was similarly betrothed to Daeron, the two would get the palace-fortress Summerhall, which was located in the Dornish marches. Alyssa was still a child, and Aegon and Aemond, far away from the Iron Throne, could marry for love if they wanted.

But considering the innocent 'I'm in love' eyes Aemond and Luke exchanged and the similar ones Baela and Lady Celia Westerling exchanged, she knew that her magic was going to have to help Luke and Baela have the legitimate heirs needed.

After that, then the two parties could continue with their affairs. Without getting caught, preferably.

But Asteria? She was his eldest, his firstborn, his favorite. Daemon had long blocked and refused any talk of betrothals and marriages for her, which she was happy for. 

Asteria intended to remain at court, playing the game and eventually, as Jace regularly proclaimed, become Jace's hand when her cousin became king.

Before that happened, she was willing to become Mistress of Whispers, a position that Lady Mysaria was teaching her how to run.

"Who proposed?" the former Girl Who Lived asked, crossing her fingers that all proposals were unsuitable for a princess of House Targaryen.

"Lord Ormund Hightower." her father started, tossing it into the fire without a second glance. "Lord Kermit Tully, Lord Ragnar Royce, Lord Borros Baratheon—" 

"Isn't he married?" Asteria cut her father off off. "Yes." Daemon drawled. "Which is why we shall deny it."

"Obviously." Asteria deadpanned, knowing how much she imitated Snape when doing that. 

"We also have Prince Qyle Martell." the Rogue Prince said. "That would need to be handled very carefully." Asteria said. "Also, he is not in line for inheriting Sunspear any time soon. Princess Aliandra has five children—three daughters and two sons."

"Again, we're not accepting. If we do need a Dornish marriage, Jace and Helaena's children would have a better chance. Or we use Aemond or Aegon." her father said. The princess nodded.

"Princess Aliandra's eldest, Princess Elena, is a year younger than Aegon." she quietly suggested. "We should bring that up in the next Small Council."

Her father nodded before speaking. "And we have the last suitor." 

"Who is it?" she asked.

"Lord Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. Already a widower, but his child didn't survive. From Mysaria's accounts, he's a good man and well respected." Daemon said.

Asteria paused, her magic whispering to accept. "I would like to meet him." she said simply.

And Asteria's love interest is revealed: The one, the only— Cregan Stark!

Also, have a happy holiday break! Happy Thanksgiving!

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