Moving the Pieces

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Asteria Targaryen

Hidden Chamber Outside the Small Council Room, the Red Keep: 130 AC

Asteria peered through the walls of the chamber that showed her the Small Council. Her sickly uncle, who's health she had improved with potions and spells, sat in his chair. Hand of the King Rhaenys Targaryen Velaryon, her father, Queen Alicent, Rhaenyra, and the Small Council were assembled.

"I have decided to retreat to Dragonstone for the next week. The stress of King's Landing is getting to much to me." her uncle said.

"That is a wonderful idea darling. I'll run the Keep while—" Alicent started, and Asteria sneered at the Hightower Queen.

"Actually, Alicent, I wanted you to come with me. I've always wanted to show Dragonstone." Viserys cut her off.

The disgust flashing through Alicent's eyes was clear to all before her mask slipped back in place. "Viserys I insist—"

"No no, Alicent, I do wish to have the company of my wife at Dragonstone." Viserys said. That is my final decision was left unspoken.

"Rhaenyra will run the Red Keep with Daemon while I am away." Viserys said. "After all, she has proven to be a competent regent when I was at my worst, wasn't she?"

Viserys had gotten so sick at one point, that even Asteria's magic had struggled to pull him back together. Rhaenyra had been made regent and ruled dutifully in her father's place, proving herself capable, cunning, and competent (The three C's of ruling) at ruling.

Asteria had collected the information on the men poisoning her uncle, and had quietly killed them over the past four years. But while the men were dead and buried, the effects still plagued her uncle.

Otto Hightower she had left alive for her kepa to kill, when the Blacks would deal with the Greens.

"In the mean time, Daeron and Rhaena shall join me and my wife." Viserys said. "Aegon and Aemond will stay here, as they wish. Helaena will stay here with Jacaerys, to observe Rhaenyra."

The plan was to keep Aegon in the Red Keep, to counter the Greens who expected them to get the two brothers out of the Red Keep. Aemond was to join Baela and Lucerys at Dragonstone with Lady Celia Westerling.

"Who else shall join you, cousin?" Rhaenys asked, playing her part.

"Daemon, Asteria, and a few others. The usual." Viserys said and got agreeable murmurs. "Now, is there anything else important to discuss or has the bureaucracy been going smoothly?"

"My daughter, Asteria, has accepted Lord Cregan's betrothal." her father said. "I don't know the date they agreed on, but I do know she intends to go back soon."

"Lord Stark is a good match for a Targaryen princess." Lady Julia Reyne, the new Mistress of Coin said. "Tell the Princess of my congratulations, Prince Daemon."

Her father nodded.

"I have a suggest for Prince Aegon's marriage, father." Rhaenyra said.

"I was going to suggest my cousin, Lady Beatrice Redwyne." Alicent interrupted. "Lady Beatrice has been betrothed to Lord Damien Oakheart." Mysaria countered.

"Who would you suggest, Princess Rhaenyra?" Lord Corlys asked.

"Princess Elena Nymeros Martell." Rhaenyra said. "She is a Princess in her own right, and Aegon can take the Martell surname should the Martells accept the marriage. It would bind Dorne to the Kingdoms, and any child of Aegon and Elena could marry the heir of Jacaerys and Helaena, both keeping the blood pure, giving the Martells a reason to back us with their kin sitting on the Iron Throne, and binding Dorne to the Iron Throne even more."

"And Prince Aegon?" Rhaenys asked. "I asked him earlier. He is willing to go forth with the marriage. Apparently, he and Elena have already been exchanging letters."

"I have no argument with that." Grand Maester Gerardys announced.

"Neither do I." Viserys said. "Send an emissary to the Martell court."

"How about Asteria and Aegon?" Daemon suggested. "After all, it is Aegon we intend to betroth to Princess Elena."

"Very well. It would be a good move." Lord Lyonel Strong, the Master of Laws, agreed.

Alicent looked ready to faint, but Asteria knew that Alicent knew she had no moves to play.

As the clock struck midnight, the Ruby Queen left the room, smiling. Her plan had worked flawlessly.

Now, she had to start making the winning moves.

I'm done with my finals!

Happy Christmas Break everybody!

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