Back to Driftmark

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Italics are High Valyrian

Asteria Targaryen

Targaryen Manse, Pentos: 124 AC

"Back to Driftmark?" Rhaena repeated with a frown. Laena nodded. "We're going back home."

"But we are home!" Baela protested. 

Asteria pursed her lips, holding eighteen month old Alyssa Targaryen in her arms. "This is the only home you have ever known." she acknowledged. "But Rhae, Baela, we'll be heading back to our ancestral home of Dragonstone, then back to Driftmark to see your grandparents, Princess Rhaenys, your namesake Rhaena, and Lord Corlys. He has the best tales."

Six years had gone by ever sense Prince Daemon had moved his family away from the vicious court of King's Landing. Baela had named her dragon Moondancer, and the pale green dragon (the irony was not lost on Asteria, Laena, or Daemon) was growing quickly.

Rhaena's egg had yet to hatch, but Asteria had assured the younger twin that her that it was okay, and her dragon was alive and waiting for her.

Alyssa, her newest sister, egg had already hatched before she was born. The two year old hatchling had broken into her nursery to find her bonded,  to the amusement of the Targaryens, but the fright of their maids.

The teal and copper hatchling, hatched from one of Vhagar's eggs, remained unnamed, for Alyssa alone had the right to name the hatchling, but it was a boy in the terms of gender. But dragons could change their sex on will.

In terms of physical appearance, Asteria had grown into a pretty twelve year old who heavily favored her father's side of the family. In contrast to the black curls of her past, she had wavy white-gold hair, and emerald orbs were replaced with amethyst orbs. Her skin was a fair porcelain color, never tanning despite hours in the sun.

Selarion had grown, getting bigger with every year. The Crimson Queen, she had been dubbed.

Baela and Rhaena were near identical, the small spray of freckles on Baela's nose the only difference between the two sisters. Both favored Laena in looks, with dark skin contrasting with silvery-white hair but both had their father's lilac eyes.

Alyssa, named after their grandmother, it seemed, favored Daemon, with pale silver-gold hair and violet eyes.

The twins glanced at each other before Baela nodded. "Okay." she said in a small voice. "We'll come back to visit once Moondancer is older and Rhaena has her dragon." Daemon promised, speaking in High Valyrian as he took a seat next to Laena.

"But my egg didn't hatch." Rhaena pointed out. "Do you think I hatched Vhagar? No, I felt her call, felt the pull. Your dragon is alive, Rhaena. We'll head to Dragonstone to find your dragon. And you'll be flying with the rest of us." Laena said.

"Don't worry sister. The sky will not be denied to you." Asteria assured Rhaena with a smile. 

Rhanea smiled back, and Asteria once again vowed to protest her new family, and she knew she would go down swinging for the ones she loved so dearly.

She would not lose them like she lost Lily, James, Sirius, Remus, and Fred.

Never again.

Just a short chapter. I hope you all liked it!

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