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The next two days or so were taken as recovery.
It wasn't anything special but Y/n knew she needed to let the newly made demons adjust their view on her, to completely brainwash them to believe there was no other right in this world but her.

Opening stains file once again, Y/n reread his quirk and status.

Her grip tightened on the paper when she saw he was killing fake heroes because they weren't true heroes in his eyes.

She rolled her eyes.
'Where have I heard that before?' She thought sarcastically, remembering lady Tamayo and yuichiro, the two pests who made it their sole life purpose to destroy demons in various different ways.

Now they were annoying.
The only reason they, well Muzan wanted stain was because of his quirk.
Y/n clawed the table, her fingers dragging across sharp edges which cut at her fingers and made them bleed.

She threw down the file in a puddle of her blood and left.

Swinging her legs from the roof of the building, a sudden loud explosion caught her attention.

Of course being the vessel for the demon king... how could she not have known what was to happen.

A wide smile bloomed onto her face.
"My, my how interesting" she laughed, jumping from roof to roof to her location.

'There are two ways I can do this' Y/n thought as she dodged a sign.

'I can go after the villain.... But what fun would that be ....Or, I can transform my classmates'

Her smile turned sinister as it always does.

Watching over the battle field, Y/n chuckled as a nomu threw and injured heroes, looking down she spoted Izuku and before she could go and say hi a strange portal opened up behind her.

"Oh?" Y/n's eyes flashed red.
"Now this was unexpected..." she laughed, showing off her canines.

"Tomura shigaraki" she spoke, her voice suddenly going deeper as it mixed with muzans.

The man himself froze as soon as his name came out of her lips, his stare zeroed in onto her and his chapped lips parted.

Kurogiri, the whispy purple portal man, grunted as if there was something suppressing him.

"Enmu" shigaraki answered, suddenly remembering the female for USJ and his voice turning dark.

"What is a hero doing alone on a roof top, lost your way?" Shigaraki rasped out sarcastically and in one second flat he was choking, pressed up on the wall.

"Filthy human, you dare speak to me like this.." Muzan spoke in disgust as tears formed in the corners of shigarak's eyes.

Shigaraki and kurogiri both suffocated in the aura of the demon king, one begging to be let go when he realised it wasn't so simple as hero and villain.

'No...' shigaraki thought
'She's no hero.... No villain, she's worse'

And the whites of his eyes came into veil as his eyes rolled back and he passed out, unable to disintegrate the fleshy tentacles as his hands were pinned behind his back.

"What a joke" Muzan glared having taken over Y/n's body as he walked closer to the humans.

"I should kill you....what was that? ... useful?.." Muzan paused and looked at the humans in disgust and as if he just naturally knew what to do, he stabbed kirogiri in the gut, stimulating his quirk and threw the two of them into the portal.

Y/n laughed deviously on the inside, she couldn't wait to see what kind of shitshow this would all turn into, the pain, the betrayal, all of that suffering that everyone would feel.

Her stomach grumbled and squeezed just at the thought of it.

"Go" Muzans voice brought her back as he commanded her to finish off the plan, his nails raked down her back before he pushed her out of her subconscious.

Y/n blushed when her back suddenly felt warm, looking back she saw blood begin to soak through the fabric of her 'costume' which was really just the clothes she wore as a demon.
(Or whatever clothes you want to be wearing)

A ding from her phone caught her attention.
"Bingo~" Y/n spoke looking down at the text.

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