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"Native has died and the hero killer has gotten away- woof- you should count yourselves lucky that the heroes arrived when they did!"
The chief of police briefly glanced to Y/n before scolding the three boys again.

"Should be more like your friend here, she didn't engage in any battle!" He gestured towards Y/n who swept her lazy gaze toward Iida.

'Much is still to be done but the surface I have covered in this time is vast, currently, there are over one thousand demons in Muzan-sama's army...and over one hundred turned per day' Y/n glanced over to the man with a dog head talking to them currently.

'Muzan-sama...how do you plan on re-electing the ranks?' Y/n thought with a fake smile

She heard him hum In thought as she tuned out Kenji.

Soon enough her demon had left the room casting a nervous glance her way before todoroki spoke up, something about him being a hand crusher.

Y/n's stomach growled.
"Enmu-san! Are you hungry, I have some snacks! Here!" Izuku immediately rushed to his bag and chucked out some protein bars and other snacks, Y/n looked at the human food in absolute disgust but quickly covered her reaction with a smirk.

"Aw thanks Izuku! But I think I'll wait until the nurse comes in to get us dinner" she quivered uneasily and laughed it off, throwing the snacks back to a crestfallen Izuku who blushed and sighed sadly.

"Are you sure?" Todoroki spoke up, clearing his throat. Iida narrowed his eyes and gripped the sheets tighter at the naive disrespect the two showed acting friendly with someone who was leagues above them.

"It will be more nutritious to wait till dinner because the stomach-" Iida cut the two off going on about nutrition.

Y/n turned towards the window and sighed out and decided to have some fun.

A nock rang through the room as the door then opened to show a nurse who trembled as she held a spare bedding sheet and towel.

"We will be moving Enmu-san to another room due to the gender differences, Enmu please follow me" she stilled as Y/n's eyes flashed red while she stood up and walked towards the door.

"Goodnight Enmu!!" Izuku called out quickly, a hint of disappointment on his face, Todoroki mumbled after him and Iida yelled out an entire speech on how it was important to sleep well, Y/n blinked, seems he has temporarily forgotten he was a demon.

Y/n flashed the three a grin and giggled while waving.

As soon as the door closed she dropped her hand and her stare became cold, she turned her gaze to the demon nurse next to her.

"Don't let anyone find out I've left"

"Y-yes! E-enmu-Sama!!" The woman stuttered and Y/ns eyes widened in satisfaction at the fear she was receiving from the lower demon.

Y/n dashed off disappearing from view as the nurse sagged, her demeanour changed the second kenji walked out from around the corner and stopped at the sight of another demon.

"Leave" he barked agitatedly

She glared.
"Your in my domain, our gracious leader changed me here therefore this is my ground mutt" she hissed, her forked tongue coming out as a threat.

"Hah, your just a common weak demon seems you don't know how the ranks work" kenji's eyes begun to glow, 'lower' and 'two' showed and he smugly ripped the skin of his dog eyes to show them off better.

The nurse demon scowled and swiped at him in annoyance only to back away when he released a threatening aura that screamed he was stronger than her.


"I heard you guys fought stain!"
Todoroki glanced at Izuku then at Y/n and then Iida in annoyance, stains face was all over the news and his escape and newest killings which rose by 500% overnight as he now aimed for civilians as well.

Of course, this was Muzan's doing...

"Lucky! I wish my internships were that exciting!"

"Idiots. Are too loud"Muzan glared and h
Y/n sat at her desk as she discussed with hagakure her new job.

Hagakure stared at the demon with a love sick look before Y/n stopped talking and she froze in confusion.

"Hagakure" Y/n spoke coldly
The invisible girl nodded her head enthusiastically, dedicated to anything that would come from Y/n.
"The ranks are being re-elected"

Her red gaze sweeped over the frozen girl.

"The previous ranks have been held for hundred of years. Unfortunately they are now all dead which calls for new ranks" she grinned at the thought of a certain rainbow eyed demon rotting in hell.

Hagakure gasped and nodded her head in thought. 'To be Enmu-Samar's right hand woman...' she swayed

"Go back to your seat" Y/n scoffed at her thoughts. 'That bumbling buffoon, this is perfect'

Her eyes drifted to Aoyama and she shot him a threatening grin which shook his core as she gave him a knowing glance.

'How refreshing, I've almost forgotten how it felt to see crushing emotion of fear on a ignorant humans face so suddenly' Y/ns eyes twinkled with amusement.

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