5. Skipping

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I was walking down a hallway, passing by empty classrooms, when I heard a loud crash. It came from a classroom. I pushed the door open and went in, to see bits of broken glass on the floor, with some disgusting looking things. I looked up to see a horrified Finn. 

I realized we were in the bio classroom, and he probably broke some of the preserved specimens. SHIT, Mrs. Garcia, the bio teacher guarded them like her babies. 

I made a mental note. 

3. Finn is really clumsy and breaks things.

I whisper yelled at Finn. "What the fuck, you're so screwed."

He gave me a panicked look, and right then the door swung open and Garcia walked in. We looked at her. She looked at us. And then at the floor.

I realized how exactly this looked. Broken bio stuff on the floor. Finn with half a glass piece in his hand. Me a little further away. Only the three of us in the room. 

I knew Finn would get absolutely wrecked by her, she was no easygoing woman. With her fifty something old brain, there wasn't any space for niceties. But she did have a sort of soft corner for me, considering I was the only one who submitted every assignment on time last year.

"BOYS, what in the devil is going on here?" She thundered. She realized what exactly was broken, and I could've sworn I saw her face go red. 


In a split second, I took what was probably the most idiotic decision of my life. 

"It was me, ma'am. I'm so sorry."

She opened her mouth, and then closed it again. She was really mad, but like I said, soft corner. 

"Sebastian. I really expected you to be more careful. Do you know how important these are? These are no random tit-bits." She said, very sternly. Usually, I'd feel extremely bad, but I didn't really feel too bad today.

I kept my head down and apologized again. "I'm so, so sorry Mrs. Garcia. I will reimburse the school, I will take all the responsibility required."

She sighed. "It's okay, Sebastian. You don't need to pay. I will let it slide this one time. I hope you will be more careful after this."

I thanked her profusely, and she left the room, leaving behind me and Finn.

"Why did you do that?"

I shrugged. "She would've gone a lot harder on you, you would've been in a lot of trouble. I just got a yelling."

He had an expression on his face I couldn't decipher. 

"But why?"

I tilted my head to the side.  I wasn't sure how to respond, since I didn't really know myself. Why did I stick my neck out for him?

"I don't know. Jut felt like it."

He didn't say anything. Just stood there with a thoughtful expression, staring at the ground.

I waved a bye at him. "Well, I'll be going now. See ya."

As I stepped out the door, I heard a very faint 'thank you'.

I turned back and gave him a quick smile before running away to my next class so I wouldn't be late.


It was only the third class of the day and I was already bored out of my mind. Staring at a wall seemed more interesting. 

After watching time drag on the clock for a whole physics class, I finally trudged out, wanting to run out. I decided to take a minute to go out onto the ground and get some fresh air. I walked toward the bleachers, staring at the empty ground. It was calm and silent. Such a stark contrast to the football game days, where everyone was all hyped up and screaming in the cold evenings. 

I had a nice few moments before I scrunched up my nose. I could smell smoke. Was something on fire?

I walked towards the back, trying to find the source. I finally found it at the very back, behind the bleachers.

I sighed. Of course it was Finn, cigarette in hand. He looked up at me and blew out a puff of smoke. I made a weird face. 

"Why are you smoking here?"

He held up his index finger and swirled it around in the air, indicating the surroundings. "No fire alarms will go off."

I shook my head. "By here, I meant school. But oh well."

He tilted his head back and rested his head on a rod. He patted the space beside him. 


When I made no move, he looked at my weird expression, and then at his cigarette. "Oh, you're worried about this."

He put it off and turned back to look at me. He had really nice eyes. Deep brown. Like espresso shots. 

I sat down next to him. The ground was dirty, but my jeans were so old it really didn't matter. Besides, like I say, it adds personality. 

"Why are you missing class?" I asked.

"Same reason as you, bored."

I snorted. Fair enough. He twirled the cigarette in his hands. "I was planning on going out. You coming?"

Out? "Going out? As in, now?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I doubt either of us is getting back in there."

I was a bit hesitant. I had never done anything like this before. 

"I don't know.. my mom might be mad."

That was a lie. She keeps trying to make me do something 'fun' as she calls it. She gave me all the freedom one could ask for, but the thing is, I never felt like doing anything bad. 

He gave me a look. "Really?"

I scratched the back of my neck. "Wellll, yeah, she wouldn't be mad."

I thought about it for a moment. I really did want to get out of this place. Hell, why not?

"Where would we even go?" I asked. 

"We could go out to get ice-cream, my treat for saving my ass back there." 

I love ice-cream. I was sold.

He turned and gave me a smirk.

"So, what do you say? Let's skip school ?" 

I nodded slowly, and we got up, dusting off our clothes. We slowly got out, into the parking, making sure no one saw us. We walked over to his motorbike, and he handed me a helmet. Luckily, he had an extra one today because of the morning thing. 

He got on it before holding out his hand to help me get on. Climbing on was relatively easier this time. I gripped the thing behind me for support, before he zoomed off. The wind was hitting my face strongly, and I felt so alive.

I hadn't felt like this in a long time. I tilted my head back and looked at the blue skies above me. I just felt, pure, care-free, happiness.

I looked into the rearview mirror, and I saw Finn's face, already looking at me. He turned back towards the road. He suddenly stopped, and I once again, slammed hard into his back. 

"You gotta stop doing that." I grumbled. 

I thought I heard a small chuckle, but he had started off again so I couldn't really tell. 

He came to a stop at a quaint looking little ice-cream corner. It looked like a little cottage, with the roof painted to look like waffles. The walls outside had doodles of popsicles and ice-cream cones. I never imagined Finn, the big bad bear, would come to such an adorable little place.

I tried to hide my grin as I handed him my helmet. He noticed anyway. 


I just shook my head, still failing miserably at hiding my smile, as we walked into the little ice-cream place. 

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