9. Volleyball

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A few peaceful moments of silence.

Before I feel another poke. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Yes, Finn?"

"So, does that mean you're dating that big dude who's always on top of you?"



The worst possible thing that could've happened, happened. It was P.E. 

We didn't have it the whole week because the gym was being painted or whatever, but my luck was up. I begrudgingly changed into some gym shorts and a t-shirt. I absolutely hated sports, because I was not good at it. I wasn't the worst, but I was pretty close. Also, I hated having to sweat and either sit in class all sweaty, or shower at school. Both cursed options.

I dragged my ass there, and the first thing I noticed was that Finn was there too. And he looked great. He had a sleeveless black tank on, with black shorts. His height stood out as we all lined up. The gym teacher, Mr. Reynolds, was quick to make us run rounds, and I was exhausted by the third round. Finn, however, looked unfazed except for the slight sweat. 

Reynolds was quick to divide us into teams and announced that the game of the day would be volleyball. 

I tried to position myself into a corner where the ball hopefully wouldn't show up. Luck however, was not on my side. I tried my best to hit it at least somewhere inside the boundary, and I did fine the first two times. 

What was truly surprising was how well Finn played. I'm pretty sure everyone was stunned, he served perfectly, and his smashes had people moving out of the way in fear. I was in awe. He was so focused, and passionate. 

I was slightly distracted, and didn't notice that the opposition's serve was aimed towards me. By the time I looked up, it was a little too late, I wouldn't have enough time to hit it, and I just froze. If that hit me, it was going to be very painful.

It all happened in a split second. Out of nowhere, in a blur, someone dived and smacked the ball away from me. As a result of the jump, he fell to the ground. I was startled to see that it was Finn. He jumped right back up and returned to his position. He looked back at me, and mouthed an "Are you okay?" 

I nodded quickly and he turned back to the front. My face warmed up, and I was sure my cheeks were bright red. I tried to focus on the ball so that that wouldn't happen again. I heard a few whispers, probably due to the fact that the big bad rude Finn was being this nice to me. 

Soon enough, the bell rang, and I could see Reynolds calling over Finn. As I walked past them, I heard Reynolds complimenting Finn and asking him to join the volleyball team. I couldn't hear his reply, but that seemed like a great idea.

Mr. Reynolds said he had an announcement to make and asked us all to wait for a minute. He stood in the middle of a circle of us students, volleyball in hand. 

"As you all know, we will have P.E. four times a week. Two of those will be group games, similar to today. The other two will be played in teams of two, which means each one of you must find a partner by next week."

Everyone cheered in various sounds of agreement. My first thought was Finn, but he was far higher than me in terms of sports. Wouldn't it be better for everyone to play with someone at their skill level? Speaking of which, I had to decide what to do about my sweaty self.

I really did not want to take a shower, but I just couldn't stand the icky sweat, and decided to just get it over with. I rushed to the showers and got done before most people even entered. I was dressed and drying my hair, when I saw Finn step out of one of the stalls. I froze, and was unable to tear my eyes off of him.

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