23. He's a Special Friend

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"Damn, your mom really went all out."

Theo and Jenny had arrived about 45 minutes early, as expected. They just barged in and tackled me with loud yells of "Happy Birthday Seb!"

Having Theo fall on top of me was bad enough, but with Jenny's added weight, I was crushed underneath.

I very much preferred being under Finn instead.

Jenny gave me a teasing smile. "You're gonna keep that jacket on?"

I shrugged. "It's comfortable."

"Right, that's definitely the reason why you're wearing it." Theo yelled from across the room.

I grabbed a balloon and tried to throw it at him, but it didn't go very far, because you know, that's what balloons do.

Soon enough, Ryan showed up, followed by Anna, and lastly, Finn.

I barely managed to greet them before Jenny and my mom ushered me towards the cake on the table, with a few candles lit on it.

"Come on, make a wish!"

I didn't really know what to wish for. I awkwardly looked around the room, and locked eyes with Finn.

He gave me a small, encouraging smile.

I smiled automatically in response and closed my eyes, knowing what I wanted.

I wish that Finn stays by my side forever.

Was it a little bit childish? Probably. We weren't in elementary school anymore, where we made 'best friends forever' promises.

But hey, it's a birthday wish. I can use it however I want.

I cut into the cake with everyone singing happy birthday, even Finn. That really surprised me.

We were hanging out in the living room, and eating the cake.

Theo and Jenny looked like they'd seen a ghost.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked.

Theo slowly rotated his head and looked me straight in the eye.


Uh oh, there's the full name again.

I nodded, waiting for him to go on.

"Why am I looking at a blueberry cake right now?"

Oh, that's why he was surprised.

"Oh, because I ordered a blueberry one."

Theo's shell shocked expression didn't change one bit. "Dumbass, you haven't gotten any cake that isn't chocolate in the last, what, ten years?"

I shrugged. "Finn doesn't like chocolate."

Jenny choked on her piece of cake while Theo's jaw dropped.

"Sebastian." Jenny began. She's hopping on the full name train too?

"Sebastian, you are aware that I don't like chocolate cake either."

I nodded. "Yeah, so?"

Jenny tilted her head and gave me a psychotic looking smile. I was honestly a little freaked out.

"And yet you got chocolate cake every year anyway."

I nodded again. "Yeah...and?"

Theo groaned. "Sebastian. Are you stupid?"

I crossed my arms, trying to defend myself. "What? He's a friend."

Jenny groaned. "I'm your friend too!"

I mumbled out softly, "Well he's a special friend."

Theo and Jen shared a knowing look.

Jenny shook her head. "Take your time, Seb. Take your time."

Theo clapped his hand on my back. "Like you always do. We'll wait, don't you worry."

I looked at the two of them. "Wait for what?"

After another pat on my head, they ignored my question and walked off towards the others.

I was a little worried that things might be a little awkward since everyone might not know each other, but to my surprise, everyone seemed to be having a great time.

Ryan and Jenny were hitting it off, almost like they knew each other well already. At my confusion, Ryan clarified.

"Oh we have a few classes together, we're pretty close."

I shot a look at Jenny, wondering why she had never mentioned it before. Was I seeing things or was she avoiding my eyes?

Either way, it was a good thing. Anna seemed really nervous and shy at first, but Theo didn't give two shits. Being the stupidly extroverted giant he was, he yapped away. Pretty soon, she was laughing along to his crappy jokes.

Which conviently left me and Finn. I sat next to him on the couch. He turned to face me.

"Blueberry cake?"

I grinned. "You like it?"

He smiled. "Best I've ever had."

I looked away to hide my flaming cheeks, but he noticed. He put an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close.

"That was very sweet of you, Sebastian. You know I would've eaten it even if you'd gotten chocolate, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah. But we both like blueberry. It just felt right. Besides..."

I tilted my face so I was looking right at him, and with our current position, our faces were just inches away.

"I've got a personal baker who can bake me anything chocolate on demand, right?"

He laughed and ruffled my hair softly. "That you do."

Soon, it was time to open up my gifts. I recieved a pair of shoes, some clothes, and a book. I smiled when I realised the book was a mystery one. Anna really was thoughtful.

Finn hadn't gotten me anything, but he had already given me his gift, and it was the best one. A whole day out with him at the arcade, and then lunch?

Nothing could top that.

We had a lot of fun. We played charades, did some dancing (although Finn decided to stick to the couch), and even some singing. Finn even hummed along.

Hours passed, and I was soon waving goodbyes to everyone at the door. I smiled when I saw Theo and Anna leave together. She had a glow on her face, she looked radiant.

I stretched my arms out, I felt so stiff, and looked at the only person left. Finn.

"Well, Finn, are you gonna go back home now or...?"

He nodded his head. "Yeah, but you are too. Meet me on the roof in five?"

"Sure." I wasn't sure why the roof, because we were already together down here.

Although once I got up there, I could see why. It was so much more calm and peaceful, with only the nightsky above us.

Whenever I was on the roof with Finn, it always felt like there were only the two of us in this world.

"Did you have fun today?"

I nodded, staring at the stars. "It was wonderful. Thank you so much, Finn. I had a really great time."

He gingerly pulled out something from behind him, and I tried to take a peek.

He slowly brought it ahead and held it out to me. It was a neatly wrapped box, with a pink bow on top.

I looked up at him in surprise. "Finn, what's this?"

He smiled, a soft, but beautiful smile. His eyes were mesmerizing, bathed in the dim light the streetligts provided.

"I wanted to give it to you in private, so here it is. One last time, happy birthday, Sebastian."

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