Chapter 404: Return

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Xiao Fuqi came to join the crowd. The villagers hadn't been on a helicopter before, so they came to look. In the future, they could show off to people from the other villages. However, Xiao Fuqi soon heard from his son that Zhang Chunjiao had packed her things and left overnight. Xiao Fuqi thought that he had drunk too much and that he was hallucinating.

He asked again, "What did you say just now? Your mother has packed up and left?!" Xiao Fuqi's son nodded and said, "Yes. I asked mom where she was going, and she said she was going to Grandpa's place. But Dad, didn't Grandpa and uncles say that they didn't want Mom to go back to them? Why is she going back to them then?"

There were many people in the sunning field. Xiao Fuqi's son also spoke loud enough that everyone could hear him.

At this moment, someone immediately joked, "Fuqi, did you beat your wife too much that she is escaping when you're not home?"

"That's right, Fuqi. You've been married to Zhang Chunjiao for at least twenty years. Despite what she did, you shouldn't hit her like this."

These people's had a hint of mockery in their 'advice'.

After all, the reason the table turned was something incredibly humiliating to Xiao Fuqi. Otherwise, with Zhang Chunjiao's fierce personality, she would lord over Xiao Fuqi for the rest of her life.

However, Zhang Chunjiao had to do something stupid. She had a good family, but she wanted to have an affair. But perhaps that was in her bones. After all, before she married, she had already hooked up with a married man.

The villagers would sometimes ridicule Xiao Fuqi. "Fuqi, why are you doing this? So Zhang Chunjiao cheated on you. She'll change. You don't need to hit her so hard every time." This sounded like advice, but it was also no different from exposing one's scar.

"That's right. You are already an old couple. Even if Zhang Chunjiao did those things on the streets... you two already have children. Zhang Chunjiao still needs to live with you for the rest of your life. Why not have some peace at home?"

"That's right."

Xiao Fu's face turned green and red when he heard these things. He was angry and embarrassed.

Ever since Zhang Chunjiao did those things, his entire family had been looked down upon and criticized. It was simply infuriating.

At first, his family would still argue with the other villagers, but the more they argued, the more humiliated they felt. After all, what Zhang Chunjiao did was witnessed by everyone.

In the beginning, he had also thought about getting a divorce. However, for a person like him, getting a divorce was easy, but getting married was difficult. He didn't have money, and he was old. He had a son and a daughter. Who was going to marry him?

So instead of finding his son a stepmother, he decided to stay with his wife.

"Your son, Xiaoqiang, said that Zhang Chunjiao ran away from home, right?" After joking for a while, someone remembered this detail.


Xiao Xiaoqiang shook his head and said, "My mother didn't run away from home. She said she was going to Grandpa's house."

"Everyone knows that your Grandpa and your two uncles don't welcome your mother back anymore." The villager didn't care that Xiaoqiang was just a child. He said directly, "Besides, it is midnight. Who would go visit in the middle of the night? Xiaoqing, your mother left home and didn't want you anymore."

The child didn't like this joke. When Xiao Xiaoqiang heard that his mother didn't want him, he immediately burst into tears.

Xiao Fu was annoyed and shouted angrily at Xiao Xiaoqiang, "Stop crying!"

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