Chapter 409: Gong Tianhao is Very Hurt!

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When Xiao Lingyu, Gong Tianhao, and Mother Xiao came to the scene, they saw Xiao Fuqi assaulting his wife.

Mother Xiao only frowned for a moment and did not say anything.

After Officer Li stopped Xiao Fuqi, he criticized him with a serious expression, "Sir, don't you know that hitting someone is against the law?"

Xiao Fuqi was a little afraid when he heard that, but he defended himself, "I was hitting my wife. How is that against the law?"

Officer Li said, "This is domestic violence. It's against the law."

"But she is a thief. I have to teach her a lesson!" Xiao Fuqi really had a lot of resentment toward Zhang Chunjiao. Why would she be so foolish to do something like that?

Officer Li said seriously, "Your wife broke the law, so there are laws to punish her, but it's wrong for you to hit her. When we came here just now, we saw your wife tied to a tree trunk with a bruised face. We can arrest you and detain you in the police station for a few days."

Xiao Fu's face changed when he heard that. He said with fear and panic, "Officer, don't. I... I won't hit her in the future." At this moment, Zhang Chunjiao saw Xiao Lingyu appear and immediately ran to Xiao Lingyu and knelt down.

"Xiao Lingyu, Qiuying, I didn't steal your family's cows. Will you tell the police that? I will never go against you in the future. I beg


Zhang Chunjiao was not stupid.

She knew that it was useless for her to plead with the police officers now. She could only plead with Xiao Zhengyang's family. As long as they withdrew the case, she would be fine.

Zhang Chunjiao never thought that one day, she would have to lower her head to Chen Qiuying. But now, she had no choice.

She had to lower her head. She was afraid.

Xiao Lingyu, this wretched girl, had a ruthless character and a hard heart. Everyone in the village knew it.

Back then, when Zhang Xiaolan had committed a crime, Xiao Lingyu still sent her to prison despite the begging from her family. Zhang Xiaolan's family had to pay the compensation too.

Now, it was her turn. When she thought about how she'd spend the rest of her life in prison, she was truly afraid and terrified.

Therefore, she pleaded with Chen Qiuying, whom she hated the most in her life.


Xiao Lingyu did not wait for her mother to speak and said coldly, "Auntie Zhang, what you have done is against the law. It is useless for you to plead with us.

"You will be punished according to the law. We are just ordinary people. We can't budge the law. Plus, even if we are willing to forgive you, will the law forgive you?" Xiao Lingyu's words sounded a little harsh to the villagers. She was callous and cold-blooded.

Officer Li nodded in agreement, "Miss Xiao is right. You have committed a crime. It's useless to plead with anyone. However, as long as you reform yourself properly, the law will naturally be lenient."

The villagers accepted this.

At this moment, someone came over and asked doubtfully, "Sir, did Zhang Chunjiao really participate in stealing the cattle?"

Officer Li nodded and said, "The thieves have been caught, and they confessed everything. Zhang Chunjiao, you have to come with us."

After saying that, Officer Li took out the handcuffs. "No, no, I'm not leaving." Zhang Chunjiao struggled violently. "No, no, I'm not leaving. I... I didn't steal the cow, I didn't steal the cow, I was wronged."

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