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As Demon spoke poohbear listened and believed everything he said.

She wanted him but he hurts her without knowing.

He wants her but doesn't think it will do her life any good.

As poohbear was soaking her body all she could think about was Demon.

As for Demon all he could do was the same thing until he went blank.

Only thing he could think about was murder and him not being hisself that's what he went out to do.

As he was the biggest in the game everyone wanted his head so it was almost as easy for him to kill someone because they always come to him.

Since he was supposed to be dead they've fallen to the 3rd in the game.

He went to work and went on missions after missions with wounds after wounds

Poohbear was just now getting out the tub drying her body, all she could think of is Demon.

She put her clothings on, he was still in her head.

She grew frustrated trying to stop.

She thought to herself why, little did she know was Grandson and the others were on the way.

She heard knocking and snapped out of it.

Everybody waiting at the door happy and yelling for her to come.

When she opened the door they barged in asking her many questions and she smiled but still thought heavily about Demon.

Her and everyone else went out to eat and to go around looking for things to do.

As her day was ending the girls stayed with her meanwhile the boys went looking for Demon to stay with him.

She checked her phone seeing messages and calls from Taurus.

She texted him back telling him she was okay and he told her he wanted to see her.

As night time came he pulled up and she walked outside while everyone was sleeping except Von and Kemo was the only boys that didn't leave just yet.

She didn't realize that the two were still at the house.

They followed her outside creeping and they waited till she got closer to the car to go to him first to see "what he was talm bout"

They got along well with him and he got along with them and they all smoked except her.

Taurus told her to go back in and get rest and he will check on her the next day.

He was so in love with her he could be whatever she wanted him to be even though he wanted more.

He watched her walk in admiring her presence.

Just the thought of her made his life have light.

He wanted her as his queen but if she's not ready he's more then welcome to stay her friend.

Whether it's making him crazy inside or not.


As he thought highly about her she thought highly about Demon

After Demon snapped out of his head he finished what he was doing but hated the feeling of doing things he didn't know he'd done.

He thought heavily of poohbear and went to her but not before cleaning hisself back up.

He seen cars and knew who they belonged to but Taurus left long before.

He picked all the locks and walked in locking it back up and going to her room.

"you've been drinking again" she said as he got close and he shushed her and she made him take his shirt, shoes and everything else off except his  drawers.

He didn't like the feeling.

"I got you"she said lowly but he heard her and she dozed off in his arms and not soon afterwards he also dozed off feeling the more comfortable then he ever had


As my eyes shut I was as comfortable as ever.

I was in a dream but this time it's not dark.

It's not me murdering the world, it's not darkness .

There's no blood.

No guilt

It seems good.

It's perfect

Gemini *Poohbear*

As my eyes felt heavy I fell into my dream.

My dream was not bad

I was as comfortable as ever, I felt untouchable, safe.

I wanted to stay this way forever dreaming of what I want.


• goodnight people's !!

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