(7) Excuse me for any mistakes made 😘

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Excuse me for any
mistakes made 😘

Nau'Jour :
Continued ..

I looked at this girl and her ass was slumped.

She wasn't snoring or nun she was quite and looked like she was sleeping peacefully .

I smirked and was bout to wake her up .

I rolled a big blunt and smoked it looking at her in her face with my gun in my lap.

" Nigga just turned 20 still havin this shit fuck errbody hate I'm the realest it get " I hummed.

I stared at her and she started moving around and I splash water in her face still sitting there with my gun in my hand.

"DRACOOO-what are you doing"she asked looking scared and I kept a straight face.

I cocked my gun back and she looked at me and started crying.

I just started laughing and pulled the trigger.


She started crying loud and I started laughing and got in her face

There wasn't no bullets in the gun and I was trying to scare her.

"I- Luxury open yo eyes" I said chuckling giving her a nickname.

"Huh"she said still crying.

I scrunched up my face cause she wouldn't stop so I picked her up and put her on the floor.

"Shut the fuck up V'Luxuary ian kill you"I said and she looked at me mugging sniffing her nose and left out the room.

I shrugged and started laughing.

Lemme go play in her face cause I'm high ass fuck right now.

"Luxury" I called her name and she looked at me straight facing and I busted out laughed.

"Bra what the fuck ..yo face"I said and started laughing.

She smiled and i scrunched my face up then she started to laughed an I just looked at her wanting to know what she was smiling at and laughing at.

"Fuck so funny and what the fuck u was smiling for"

"Your face going to get stuck"she said looking in my eyes.

"Mmhm" I said and admired her.

"How old you is"I asked

"Finna turn 19"





"You aggravating"

"Your face going-" I cut her off

"Stop repeating yo self"I said and tapped her face.

"You have heavy hands"She said and I ignored her.

"Anyways" I said and went to the kitchen and heard her coming behind me looking in the cabinet I guess looking for something to eat.

I watched her and texted somebody back.

It was this girl I recently talked too .

My playa card ain't played out so shii we happy hoes but I wanna - I felt someone staring.

I looked up and seen V'Luxuary mugging me.

"What" I ask grabbing one of her chips she mugged harder and closed her eyes and looked down sighing.

Then she just left.

Hell wrong with her.

I walked to where she was and she was on the phone scrolling through Instagram I'm guessing.

I looked at her movements and it doesn't shows how she feelin i scrunched my face up cause it's hard to read her movement.

"You difficult cuh fr"

She looked up and nodded her head slowly before looking back down.

She yarned and went to the back somewhere and didn't come back up.

I heard cars pulling up and not too soon.

Smokey and Chris walked in with food.

"Where umm- Tiny" Chris asked.

I shrugged and pointed in the direction she went.

Smokey sat down and I looked up and seen Chris walking back up the hall.

"She sleep in tray room"Chris said and started eating his food.

After a while Victory and Shamya came walking through the door with Tray and Lataisa along with Von

"Wheressss Tiny" Shamya said.

"Tray room"Chris responded.


"Stop asking questions and go look for ya damn self" Smokey said mugging her.

"Damn"Von said and started laughing along with the others except me and Smokey.

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